quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

O Futuro da Genética

The Future of Genetics considers where research in genetics, molecular biology, and medicine is headed while trying to cleanly separate facts from fiction and ideologies. This new volume explores the last 150 years and how different strands of biological research have become interwoven to create a new kind of interdisciplinary science. Exploring such famous literary works as Frankenstein, Brave New World, and Jurassic Park, as well as science-related events, this insightful resource presents a range of very new technologies that give scientists a broader view of life and provide new ways of manipulating organisms and the environment. It also focuses on some of the most fascinating questions that scientists pose about the future, including the causes of aging and death, the nature of the brain and mind, and the future of life on Earth. Genetics plays a key role in research for all of these areas; it may also be the gateway to improving people's lives and ensuring that the Earth remains a hospitable place to live.
Chapters include:
•The Origins of 21st-Century Biology
•Literature, Culture, and Social Perceptions of Science
•Studying Life in the Post-Genome Era
•The Future of Humanity and the World.

Se v. não sentiu firmeza nas abobrinhas da editoria, veja quem é Hodge:

Russ Hodge is a writer and science education expert at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin, Germany, one of the world’s leading biology institutes, where he writes books about science for the public and develops new teaching materials for high school students. He has written hundreds of articles for the press, including published interviews with world-renowned scientists such as Nobel Prize winners James Watson, Max Perutz, Roald Hoffmann, and Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, as well as Stephen Jay Gould, Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Stephen Rose, Philip Campbell, and Harold Varmus.

The Future of Genetics
Russ Hodge
Facts on File 2010 224 pages PDF 6,6 MB
http://tinyurl.com/269q5pn ou