terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010

Diagnosticando autismo

Um livro novinho sobre um assunto que tem dado o que falar na imprensa e nos trabalhos acadêmicos do mundo todo. Vamos ver se o livro esclarece algo em definitivo (na medida do possível, é claro).

Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Lifespan Perspective is the first book of its kind to provide authoritative information for medical and mental health professionals on how to properly evaluate and diagnose autism spectrum disorders in individuals of all ages.

* The first book of its kind which demonstrates how to conduct an appropriate diagnostic interview to assess a child for an Autism Spectrum Disorder
* Considers the issues of Autism Spectrum Disorders in children, teenagers, and adults
* Aimed at both medical and mental health professionals
* Includes an in-depth treatment of the entire diagnostic process

Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Lifespan Perspective
Donald P. Gallo

Wiley; 1 edition (June 15, 2010) 538 pages PDF 2 MB