quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

Humanos, Animais e Máquinas

At Stanford University in 1987, a conference was held to try to sketch out the boundaries and overlaps among humans, animals, and machines. The resulting presentations were published as The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals and Machines. When one reads the essays, it is clear that none of the conference presenters had a cogent sense of how to draw these boundaries or even to articulate what was distinctive about humans, animals, and machines. Advances in computer science, neurophysiology, genetics, ethnography, biology, philosophy, critical theory, communications, and so many other fi elds have perhaps made this task more plausible now, have at least given us more data and theories to consider, and certainly also have made the need more pressing. (p. 7)
Ch. 1 Approaching Humans, Animals, and Machines 1
Ch. 2 The Common Ground between Animals and Humans: Prolonged Bodies in Dwelling Places 21
Ch. 3 Machines Finding Their Place: Humans and Animals Already Live There 49
Ch. 4 Drawing the Boundary of Humans with Animals and Machines: Greater Area and Depth 87
Ch. 5 Drawing the Boundary of Humans with Animals and Machines: Reconsidering Knowing and Reality 125
Ch. 6 Animals: Excellences and Boundary Markers 169
Ch. 7 Machines: Excellences and Boundary Markers 209
Conclusion: Toward the Community of Humans, Animals, and Machines 235

Humans, Animals, Machines
Glen A. Maizis