domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009

A Neurologia da Consciência

Este é o nome do livro de Giulio Tononi, de quem falou-se aqui em 8 de agosto de 2009. Vou ceder à preguiça (misturada com ‘estou ocupado com outra coisa’) e apresentar assim mesmo no original:

“Understanding consciousness is the major unsolved problem in biology. One increasingly important method of studying consciousness is to study disorders of consciousness, e.g. brain damage and disease states leading to vegetative states, coma, minimally conscious states, etc. Many of these studies are very much in the public eye because of their relationship to controversies about coma patients (e.g. Terry Schiavo case in the US recently), and the relationship to one of the major philosophical, sociological, political, and religious questions of humankind.

This is the first book to summarize our current understanding of the neuroanatomical and functional underpinnings of human consciousness by emphasizing a lesional approach offered via the study of neurological patients. The selected contributors are all outstanding authors and undisputed leaders in their field.

- The first major book on the Neurology of Consciousness, i.e. on the study of brain damages and disease states that lead to varying levels of disturbances in human consciousness (vegetative, coma, minimally conscious states, etc)”

E outras firulas. A capa é o demo: parece um emaranhado de gárgulas em fase final de caquexia estrutural numa bola de chiclete mascado durante uma semana pelo próprio Quasímodo.

The Neurology of Conciousness
Edited by Steven Leureys & Giulio Tononi
Academic Press 2008 440 pages PDF 7,3 MB