domingo, 31 de outubro de 2010
Uma Introdução à Tecnologia da Música

An Introduction to Music Technology provides a clear and concise overview of the essential elements of music technology for today’s musician. It is designed to provide music students with the background necessary to apply technology in their creating, teaching, and performing.
This book focuses on five topics that underlie the hardware and software in use today: Sound, Audio, MIDI, Synthesis and Sampling, and Computer Notation and Computer-Assisted Instruction. In addition, there is an appendix that covers necessary computer hardware and software concepts.
* Thorough explanations of key topics in music technology
* Content applicable to all software and hardware, not linked to just one piece of software or gear
* In-depth discussion of digital audio topics, such as sampling rates, resolutions, and file formats
* Explanations of standard audio plug-ins including dynamics processors, EQs, and delay-based effects
* Coverage of synthesis and sampling in software instruments
* Pedagogical features, including:
Further Reading sections that allow the student to delve deeper into topics of interest
– Suggested Activities that can be carried out with a variety of different programs
– Key Terms at the end of each chapter
– What do I need? chapters covering the types of hardware and software needed in order to put together Audio and MIDI systems
– The companion website contains links to audio examples that demonstrate various concepts, step-by-step tutorials, relevant hardware, software, and additional audio and video resources.
An Introduction to Music Technology
Dan Hosken
Routledge; Pap/Psc edition (2010) 400 pages PDF 13 MB
Flannery O'Connor

The Complete Stories
Flannery O'Connor
Farrar Straus and Giroux 286 (572) pages 1971 PDF 8 MB
Aphrodite's Child (Demis Roussos) - Rain And Tears - Rain And Tears.mp3
O Combustível da Evolução
O combustível da evolução: uma nova hipótese sobre como a vida complexa surgiu na Terra.
October 22, 2010 By Jason Socrates Bardi, ISNS
PhysOrg - Quando a vida surgiu pela primeira vez na Terra há uns quatro bilhões de anos, era bem simples, pelos padrões de hoje.
Por mais de um bilhão de anos, o planeta foi dominado por humildes aglomerados de bactérias e outros organismos que eram mais ou menos os mesmos que as bactérias unicelulares e micro-organismos de hoje.
Mas então, há uns dois bilhões de anos, uma nova forma de vida surgiu do limo primordial, e que inauguraria um curso radicalmente diferente da evlução. Toda a diversidade da vida multicelular que conhecemos hoje - todo bordo, limo, cogumelo, rato ou homem que jamais surgiu na Terra - descendia desse organismo, mas os cientistas ainda não sabem extamente como ele chegou a existir.
Agora, dois pesquisadores europeus desenvolveram uma nova hipótese que pode explicar como o progenitor original dos animais e plantas da Terra - o primeiro organismo 'eucariota' - passou a existir.
"Parece ter acontecido porque uma célula entrou dentro de outra célula", diz Nick Lane, biólogo do University College London, que desenvolveu a nova hipótese com William Martin, biólogo da University of Duesseldorf, na Alemanha.
Lane e Martin argumentam na revista Nature dessa semana que a diversidade da vida sob formas multiceculares complexas só podia ter surgido depois de uma célula descobriri seu caminho paea dentro de outra, e evoluir com o tempo até chegar à mitocôndria - um pequeno compartimento que produz a energia da célula.
Os humanos e outros animais têm centenas dessas mitocôndrias em suas células, geradores de energia (ou força) que provêem combustível para nossos corpos do berço até o túmulo.
A nova idéia contradiz a hipótese anterior de que os organismos multicelulares, complexos, desenvolveram-se por si mesmos antes que existissem as mitocôndrias. "Os biólogos pensam há muito tempo que a complexidade surgiu primeiro, depois as mitocôndrias", disse Martin. "Nós mostramos que isso não funciona. As mitocôndrias são necessárias para a complexidade".
Um Evento Extremamente Raro
O desenvolvimento das mitocôndrias parece ter ocorrido apenas uma vez em toda a história da Terra.
"Foi um passo muito desafiador nas origens da vida", disse Neil Blackstone, biólogo da University of Northern Illinois que não esteve envolvido com a pesquisa mas tem familiaridade com a nova hipótese.
Não foi suficiente uma célula descobrir seu caminho para dentro de outra célula, disse Blackstone. De algum modo as duas tiveram que coexistir no estado conhecido como simbiose, compartilhando, mais do que competindo por, recursos, e coexistindo sem matar uma à outra. "É uma dança difícil", disse Blackstone.
No início, o perigo era de que a célula interna se tornasse um parasita, roubando o espetáculo completamente ao competir por recursos da céçila hospedeira, eventualmente matando-a.. Ao invés, o que aconteceu, de acordo com Lane e Martin, é que as duas células evoluiram juntas. Quando fizeram isso, a célula interna tornou-se cada vez mais eficiente em fazer apenas uma coisa - dar energia à célula - e tornou-se cada vez menor, descartando os genes que não eram necessários para essa sua função em surgimento.
A grande quantidade de energia no interior dessa célula maior permitiu que essas novas formas de vida unissem mil ou mais vezes a quantidade de DNA a mais do que seus ancestrais, permitindo-lhes tornar-se mais complexas e se dividir em plantas, animais e outros reinos no decorrer do tempo.
Lane e Martin argumentam que a energética também explica porque as bactérias e outras células às quais faltavam essas pequenas fábricas de energia jamais se tornaram verdadeiramente complexas. Elas sempre enfrentaram limitações energéticas que as impediram de adquirir e de empregar os milhares de novos genes exigidos para a complexidade.
"Esta é uma importante idéia evolutiva sobre como a vidase tornou complexa, levando à multicelularidade e à profusão e diversidade de plantas e animais que vemos hoje, incluindo nós mesmos", disse John Allen, um bioquímico da University of London que não esteve envolvido na pesquisa..
More information: Journal paper: http://www.nature. … re09486.html
October 22, 2010 By Jason Socrates Bardi, ISNS
PhysOrg - Quando a vida surgiu pela primeira vez na Terra há uns quatro bilhões de anos, era bem simples, pelos padrões de hoje.
Por mais de um bilhão de anos, o planeta foi dominado por humildes aglomerados de bactérias e outros organismos que eram mais ou menos os mesmos que as bactérias unicelulares e micro-organismos de hoje.
Mas então, há uns dois bilhões de anos, uma nova forma de vida surgiu do limo primordial, e que inauguraria um curso radicalmente diferente da evlução. Toda a diversidade da vida multicelular que conhecemos hoje - todo bordo, limo, cogumelo, rato ou homem que jamais surgiu na Terra - descendia desse organismo, mas os cientistas ainda não sabem extamente como ele chegou a existir.
Agora, dois pesquisadores europeus desenvolveram uma nova hipótese que pode explicar como o progenitor original dos animais e plantas da Terra - o primeiro organismo 'eucariota' - passou a existir.
"Parece ter acontecido porque uma célula entrou dentro de outra célula", diz Nick Lane, biólogo do University College London, que desenvolveu a nova hipótese com William Martin, biólogo da University of Duesseldorf, na Alemanha.
Lane e Martin argumentam na revista Nature dessa semana que a diversidade da vida sob formas multiceculares complexas só podia ter surgido depois de uma célula descobriri seu caminho paea dentro de outra, e evoluir com o tempo até chegar à mitocôndria - um pequeno compartimento que produz a energia da célula.
Os humanos e outros animais têm centenas dessas mitocôndrias em suas células, geradores de energia (ou força) que provêem combustível para nossos corpos do berço até o túmulo.
A nova idéia contradiz a hipótese anterior de que os organismos multicelulares, complexos, desenvolveram-se por si mesmos antes que existissem as mitocôndrias. "Os biólogos pensam há muito tempo que a complexidade surgiu primeiro, depois as mitocôndrias", disse Martin. "Nós mostramos que isso não funciona. As mitocôndrias são necessárias para a complexidade".
Um Evento Extremamente Raro
O desenvolvimento das mitocôndrias parece ter ocorrido apenas uma vez em toda a história da Terra.
"Foi um passo muito desafiador nas origens da vida", disse Neil Blackstone, biólogo da University of Northern Illinois que não esteve envolvido com a pesquisa mas tem familiaridade com a nova hipótese.
Não foi suficiente uma célula descobrir seu caminho para dentro de outra célula, disse Blackstone. De algum modo as duas tiveram que coexistir no estado conhecido como simbiose, compartilhando, mais do que competindo por, recursos, e coexistindo sem matar uma à outra. "É uma dança difícil", disse Blackstone.
No início, o perigo era de que a célula interna se tornasse um parasita, roubando o espetáculo completamente ao competir por recursos da céçila hospedeira, eventualmente matando-a.. Ao invés, o que aconteceu, de acordo com Lane e Martin, é que as duas células evoluiram juntas. Quando fizeram isso, a célula interna tornou-se cada vez mais eficiente em fazer apenas uma coisa - dar energia à célula - e tornou-se cada vez menor, descartando os genes que não eram necessários para essa sua função em surgimento.
A grande quantidade de energia no interior dessa célula maior permitiu que essas novas formas de vida unissem mil ou mais vezes a quantidade de DNA a mais do que seus ancestrais, permitindo-lhes tornar-se mais complexas e se dividir em plantas, animais e outros reinos no decorrer do tempo.
Lane e Martin argumentam que a energética também explica porque as bactérias e outras células às quais faltavam essas pequenas fábricas de energia jamais se tornaram verdadeiramente complexas. Elas sempre enfrentaram limitações energéticas que as impediram de adquirir e de empregar os milhares de novos genes exigidos para a complexidade.
"Esta é uma importante idéia evolutiva sobre como a vidase tornou complexa, levando à multicelularidade e à profusão e diversidade de plantas e animais que vemos hoje, incluindo nós mesmos", disse John Allen, um bioquímico da University of London que não esteve envolvido na pesquisa..
More information: Journal paper: http://www.nature. … re09486.html
Os humanos modernos surgiram antes do que se pensava

Os humanos modernos surgiram antes do que se pensava
October 25, 2010
(Ilustração do original do site PhysOrg)October 25, 2010
Fig. 1. Restos humanos da Caverna Zhiren. Visões lateral (A), Esquerda (B) e superior (C) da mandíbula Zhiren 3. A seção meio-simfiseal (D) da mandíbula Zhiren 3. A Zhiren 1M3 em visões bucais e mesiais (E) e a Zhiren 2 M3 nas mesmas visões (F). Em escala de 5 cm. (Cortesia dos Drs. LIU Wu and JIN Chang-Zhu)
( -- Uma equipe internacional de pesquisadores baseada no Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, em Beijing, incluindo um professor de antropologia física da Washington University de St. Louis, descobriu fósseis bem datados humanos no sul da China, modificando notavelmente a percepção dos antropólogos sobre o surgimento dos humanos modernos no Velho Mundo oriental.
A pesquisa foi publicada na edição online de 25 de outubro dos Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
A descoberta de restos fósseis dos primeiros humanos modernos na Zhirendong (Caverna Zhiren), no sul da China, que têm pelo menos 100.000 anos, provêm as evidências mais antigas do surgimento dos humanos modernos na Ásia, pelo menos 60.000 anos antes do que sabia-se anteriormente sobre humanos modernos na região.
"Esses fósseis estão ajudando a redefinir nossas percepções do surgimento dos humanos modernos na Eurásia oriental, e ao longo do Velho Mundo, em geral", diz Eric Trinkaus, PhD, Mary Tileston Hemenway Professor de Arts & Sciences e professor de antropologia física.
Os fósseis de Zhirendong têm uma mistura de traços modernos e arcaicos que faz contraste com os humanos modernos do leste da África e do sudoeste da Ásia, indicando algum tipo de continuidade da população humana na Ásia com o surgimento dos humanos modernos. Os humanos de Zhirendong indicam que a disseminação da biologia humana moderna precedeu em muito as inovações culturais e tecnológicas do Paleolítico Superior, e que os primeiros humanos modernos coexistiram por dezenas de milênios com os últimos humanos arcaicos mais ao norte e ao oeste da Eurásia.
Provided by Washington University in St. Louis (news : web)
( -- Uma equipe internacional de pesquisadores baseada no Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, em Beijing, incluindo um professor de antropologia física da Washington University de St. Louis, descobriu fósseis bem datados humanos no sul da China, modificando notavelmente a percepção dos antropólogos sobre o surgimento dos humanos modernos no Velho Mundo oriental.
A pesquisa foi publicada na edição online de 25 de outubro dos Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
A descoberta de restos fósseis dos primeiros humanos modernos na Zhirendong (Caverna Zhiren), no sul da China, que têm pelo menos 100.000 anos, provêm as evidências mais antigas do surgimento dos humanos modernos na Ásia, pelo menos 60.000 anos antes do que sabia-se anteriormente sobre humanos modernos na região.
"Esses fósseis estão ajudando a redefinir nossas percepções do surgimento dos humanos modernos na Eurásia oriental, e ao longo do Velho Mundo, em geral", diz Eric Trinkaus, PhD, Mary Tileston Hemenway Professor de Arts & Sciences e professor de antropologia física.
Os fósseis de Zhirendong têm uma mistura de traços modernos e arcaicos que faz contraste com os humanos modernos do leste da África e do sudoeste da Ásia, indicando algum tipo de continuidade da população humana na Ásia com o surgimento dos humanos modernos. Os humanos de Zhirendong indicam que a disseminação da biologia humana moderna precedeu em muito as inovações culturais e tecnológicas do Paleolítico Superior, e que os primeiros humanos modernos coexistiram por dezenas de milênios com os últimos humanos arcaicos mais ao norte e ao oeste da Eurásia.
Provided by Washington University in St. Louis (news : web)
sábado, 30 de outubro de 2010
Sebastian Seung é O cara....
Depois de ver e ouvir a palestra de Sebastian Seung (do MIT) nas TED Talks, imediatamente me posicionei para passar algum material para os leitores. O assunto da Connectomics é prá lá de interessante, e eu aconselho a ouvir a palestra antes e tentar ler alguma coisa depois, quem sabe procurar mais coisas no Google Scholar da autoria de Seung (há dezenas, de muitas épocas).
Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome
TED Talks
July 2010
Ligar as legendas em inglês: como não as temos em português, sempre quebra um galho.
Machines that learn to segment images: a crucial technology for connectomics
Viren Jain, H Sebastian Seung and Srinivas C Turaga
Reading the Book of Memory: Sparse Sampling versus Dense Mapping of Connectomes
H. Sebastian Seung
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2009.03.020
Abstract.Many theories of neural networks assume rules of connection between pairs of neurons that are based on their cell types or functional properties. It is finally becoming feasible to test such pairwise models of connectivity, due to emerging advances in neuroanatomical techniques. One method will be to measure the functional properties of connected pairs of neurons, sparsely sampling pairs from many specimens. Another method will be to find a ‘‘connectome,’’ a dense map of all connections in a single specimen, and infer functional properties of neurons through computational analysis. For the latter method, the most exciting prospect would be to decode the memories that are hypothesized to be stored in connectomes.
E não deixe de reler :
The Human Connectome: A Structural Description of the Human Brain
Olaf Sporns, Giulio Tononi, Rolf Kotter 2005
já publicado aqui.
Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome
TED Talks
July 2010
Ligar as legendas em inglês: como não as temos em português, sempre quebra um galho.
Machines that learn to segment images: a crucial technology for connectomics
Viren Jain, H Sebastian Seung and Srinivas C Turaga
Reading the Book of Memory: Sparse Sampling versus Dense Mapping of Connectomes
H. Sebastian Seung
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2009.03.020
Abstract.Many theories of neural networks assume rules of connection between pairs of neurons that are based on their cell types or functional properties. It is finally becoming feasible to test such pairwise models of connectivity, due to emerging advances in neuroanatomical techniques. One method will be to measure the functional properties of connected pairs of neurons, sparsely sampling pairs from many specimens. Another method will be to find a ‘‘connectome,’’ a dense map of all connections in a single specimen, and infer functional properties of neurons through computational analysis. For the latter method, the most exciting prospect would be to decode the memories that are hypothesized to be stored in connectomes.
E não deixe de reler :
The Human Connectome: A Structural Description of the Human Brain
Olaf Sporns, Giulio Tononi, Rolf Kotter 2005
já publicado aqui.
Modern Blues Band - Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out
Um clássico. Revers Side Of the Blues/10-Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out (Jimmie Cox).mp3
Modern Blues Band - Stormy Monday Blues
Bluesão... Revers Side Of the Blues/11-Stormy Monday Blues (T. Bone Walker).mp3
Modern Blues Band - Mustang Sally
Excelente banda Revers Side Of the Blues/02-Mustang Sall ( Sir Macraice).mp3
Crystal - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language

The most diverse, enjoyable, and thought-provoking encyclopedia on language. Though not an alphabetical encyclopedia, the coverage of the 65 thematic chapters is encyclopedic--ideal for anyone interested in words, speech, writing, and thought, and certain to be a continual point of reference for any writer for years to come. Very Highly Recommended. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
The Encyclopedia of Language
David Crystal
Cambridge University Press 2 edition (1997) 488 pages PDF 40,5MB
Nina Simone - Sinnerman
Foi tema de um trecho da Família Soprano, mas é duca...
John Kay And The Sparrow - Good Morning Little School Girl
Modern Philosophy - 17th and 18th Centuries

Modern Philosophy is an exploration of the ideas of six major thinkers from Descartes to Hume. It takes a fresh and engaging look at the common themes that dominate this period as well as examining the differences in the work of the six philosophers. Through vivid and witty prose, Richard Francks skilfully presents those ideas that have informed the development of philosophy as we know it, and which present a challenge to beliefs and attitudes that most of us now share. In this work we find the source of modern philosophical inquiry - questions such as the existence of God, the Mind and Body problem, the idea of the self, and the existence of the world had their birth in these texts - as well as broader questions about political and social philosophy. Thinkers discussed: Rene Descartes Baruch Spinoza Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz John Locke George Berkeley David Hume This will be ideal for anybody coming to the ideas of these philosophers for the first time.
Modern Philosophy: The Seventeenth And Eighteenth Centuries
Richard Francks
Routledge 2003 256 Pages PDF 1 MB ou
Alberta Cross - Steel and Glass
Alberta Cross não é o nome de uma cantora, mas sim de uma banda.
Alberta Cross - Lucy Rider (acoustic)
sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2010
Portugal. The Man - Bellies are Full
Rockão, se v. gosta disso...
Lovin' Spoonful - Darling Be Home Soon
Barbara Dane and the Chambers Brothers - I Am a Weary and a Lonesome Traveller
A constante da estrutura fina provavelmente é constante

Discovery/Blogs / Cosmic Variance
The Fine Structure Constant is Probably Constant
by Sean Carroll
The Fine Structure Constant is Probably Constant
by Sean Carroll
Cross-posted to Sarah Kavassalis’s blog, The Language of Bad Physics.
Há algumas semanas houve um pouco de animação na mídia sobre um resultado experimental surpreendente. Observações de espectros de quasares indicava que a fine structure constant (constante da estrutura fina), o parâmetro em física que descreve a potência do eletromagnetismo, parece ser um pouco diferente em um lado do universo do que em outro. O preprint está aqui.
Notável, é verdade. A constante da estrutura fina, quase sempre denotada por α, é um dos parâmetros mais básicos de toda a física, e torna-se um assunto importantíssimo se ela não for realmente constante. Mas qual é a probabilidade de que isso seja verdade? Agora estamos no lugar certo para soltar aquele antigo refrão "afirmações extraordinárias exigem evidências extraordin´parias". Esta é certamente uma afirmativa extraordinária, mas as evidências não estão à altura do padrão. Talvez observações posteriores revelem evidências extraordinárias, mas não há nenhuma razão para se ficar animado quanto a isso por enquanto.
Chad Orzel faz o grande trabalho de explicar porque um experimentalista deveris estar cético quanto a esse resultado. A coisa acaba na figura da ilustração: um mapa dos quasares observados no céu, onde o vermelho indica que o valor inferido de α é levemente menor do que esperado, e o azul indica que o valor é um pouquinho maior. Como Chad mostra, os grandes pontos vermelhos são em sua maioria círculos, enquanto que os pontos azuis grande são em sua maioria quadrados. Isto é bastante significativo, porque as duas formas representam telescópios diferentes: os círculos são dados de Keck, enquanto que os quadrados vêm do VLT (Very Large Telescope). É um pouco suspeito que a maior parte das diferenças venha de daos coletados por instrumentos diferentes.
O assunto é fascinante, como são todas as elucubrações sobre constantes universais, por isso não deixe de ler o restante do artigo.
Os genes e as doenças mentais
October 23, 2010
Por que os genes são de esquerda?
A direita adora explicações genéticas da pobreza e da doença mental. Mas a ciência aponta para a sociedade.
Oliver James in The Guardian:
Quando o mapa do genoma humano foi apresentado ao mundo em 2001, os psiquiatras tinham grandes esperanças quanto a ele. Transformar todos os nossos genes em itens certamente proveria evidências moleculares de que a causa principal da doença mental era genética - algo em que os psiquiatras acreditavam há tempos. As companias de drogas estavam babando quanto à perspectiva de lucros maciços vindos de poções únicas para cada idiossincrasia.
Mas uma década depois, sem ser notado pela mídia, o projeto do genoma humano não deixou entrever o que os psiquiatras esperavam: hoje nós sabemos que os genes desempenham um papel pequeno em porque um entre irmãos, classe social ou grupo étnico tem mais probabilidades de sofrer problemas de saúde mental do que outros.
Este resultado tinha sido previsto por Craig Venter, um dos principais pesquisadores do projeto. Quando o mapa foi publicado, ele disse que por termos apenas em torno de 25.000 genes, diferenças psicológicas não poderiam ser muito determinadas por eles. "Our environments are critical," (Nossos meios ambientes são críticos), ele concluiu. E, após alguns poucos anos de extensa pesquisa sobre o genoma, mesmo os mais convencidos geneticistas começaram a admitir publicamente que não há quaisquer genes individuais para a vasta maioria dos problemas de saúde mental. Em 2009, o Professor Robert Plomin, um dos principais geneticistas comportamentais, escreveu que evidências tinham comprovado que "os efeitos genéticos são muito menores do que se achava anteriormente: os maiores efeitos respondem apenas por 1% dos traços quantitativos". Entretanto, ele acreditava que nem tudo estava perdido. Combinações complexas de genes poderiam ser a chave. Até agora, isso não foi demonstrado, nem é provável que o seja.
Não deixe de ler o restante do artigo no endereço do Guardian, acima.
Por que os genes são de esquerda?
A direita adora explicações genéticas da pobreza e da doença mental. Mas a ciência aponta para a sociedade.
Oliver James in The Guardian:
Quando o mapa do genoma humano foi apresentado ao mundo em 2001, os psiquiatras tinham grandes esperanças quanto a ele. Transformar todos os nossos genes em itens certamente proveria evidências moleculares de que a causa principal da doença mental era genética - algo em que os psiquiatras acreditavam há tempos. As companias de drogas estavam babando quanto à perspectiva de lucros maciços vindos de poções únicas para cada idiossincrasia.
Mas uma década depois, sem ser notado pela mídia, o projeto do genoma humano não deixou entrever o que os psiquiatras esperavam: hoje nós sabemos que os genes desempenham um papel pequeno em porque um entre irmãos, classe social ou grupo étnico tem mais probabilidades de sofrer problemas de saúde mental do que outros.
Este resultado tinha sido previsto por Craig Venter, um dos principais pesquisadores do projeto. Quando o mapa foi publicado, ele disse que por termos apenas em torno de 25.000 genes, diferenças psicológicas não poderiam ser muito determinadas por eles. "Our environments are critical," (Nossos meios ambientes são críticos), ele concluiu. E, após alguns poucos anos de extensa pesquisa sobre o genoma, mesmo os mais convencidos geneticistas começaram a admitir publicamente que não há quaisquer genes individuais para a vasta maioria dos problemas de saúde mental. Em 2009, o Professor Robert Plomin, um dos principais geneticistas comportamentais, escreveu que evidências tinham comprovado que "os efeitos genéticos são muito menores do que se achava anteriormente: os maiores efeitos respondem apenas por 1% dos traços quantitativos". Entretanto, ele acreditava que nem tudo estava perdido. Combinações complexas de genes poderiam ser a chave. Até agora, isso não foi demonstrado, nem é provável que o seja.
Não deixe de ler o restante do artigo no endereço do Guardian, acima.
Ensaios Evolutivos de Base Termodinâmica

Evolution is natures most fascinating process, the possibility given sufficient time to combine simple inorganic compounds to more and more complex biochemical compounds, which make up more and more complex organisms. It is therefore crucial in our effort to understand the evolution to see it from as many different angles as possible. This books draw an image of evolution from the thermodynamic viewpoint, which gives new and surprising insights into the processes and mechanisms that have driven evolution. This new thermodynamic interpretation has made it possible to quantify the various steps of evolution and to show that evolution has followed an exponential growth curve.*The first comprehensive thermodynamic interpretation and explanation of evolution.
*This thermodynamic interpretation makes it possible to quantify the various steps of evolution.
*This interpretation explains the wide spectrum of different mechanisms on which the evolution has been based.
Evolutionary Essays: A Thermodynamic Interpretation of the Evolution
Sven Erik Jargensen
Elsevier Science 2008 PDF 224 pages 1.7 MB
Matemática Básica

Basic Mathematics with Applications to Science and Technology, Second Edition, will help anyone who has trouble applying mathematics to solve problems from the physical world. Good for students with a poor or average background in high school mathematics and for those only requiring a refresher and source-book of unfamiliar concepts, techniques and applications. Because it also includes much information not usually taught in high school or college, it's a good supplement to undergraduate courses in physical science, chemistry, physics and astronomy.
Schaum's Outline of Basic Mathematics with Applications to Science and Technology
Publisher: McGraw-Hill pages: 341 1998 PDF 18,1 mb
Ockham, sobre conceitos

William of Ockham (c. 1287-1347) is known to be one of the major figures of the late Middle Ages. The scope and significance of his doctrine of human thought, however, has been a controversial issue among scholars in the last decade, and this book presents a full discussion of recent developments. Claude Panaccio proposes a richly documented and entirely original reinterpretation of Ockham's theory of concepts as a coherent blend of representationalism, conceptual atomism, and non reductionist nominalism, stressing in the process its special interest for current discussions in philosophy of mind and cognitive sciences.
Ockham on Concepts (Ashgate Studies in Medieval Philosophy)
Claude Panaccio
Ashgate Publishing 2004 197 Pages PDF 3 MB
quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010
Será o universo um holograma?
Experimento com holômetro para testar se o universo é um holograma
October 28, 2010 by Lisa Zyga
( -- Muitas idéias em física teórica envolvem dimensões extras, mas a possibilidade de que o universo tenha apenas duas dimensões também poderia ter implicaçõs surpreendentes. A idéia é de que o espaço na ultra-pequena escala de Planck é bidimensional, e que a terceira dimensão está inextricavelmente ligada ao tempo. Se este for o caso, então nosso universo tridimensional nada mais é do que um holograma de um universo bidimensional.
Esta idéia do universo holográfico não é nova, mas físicos do Fermilab estão agora projetando um experimento para testar a idéia. O astrofísico de partículas do Fermilab, Craig Hogan, e outros, estão construindo um intrferômetro holográfico, ou 'holômetro', em uma tentativa de detetar o ruído inerente ao espaçotempo, que revelaria o limite máximo de frequência definitivo imposto pela natureza.
Como Hogan explica em número recente da revista symmetry,do Fermilab, o holômetro será "a medição mais sensível jamais feita do próprio espaçotempo". Hogan e outros já construiram um protótipo de um metro de comprimento do instrumento. Eles começaram a construir o holômetro completo de 40 metros e planejam começar a coletar dados no próximo ano.
O holômetro consiste de dois interferômetros completamente distintos posicionados um sobre o outro. Em cada interferômetro, um raio de luz é dividido em duas partes diferentes que viajam em diferentes direções. Após refletirem-se em um espelho, os raios de luz são reintegrados e a diferença de suas fases é mensurada. Mesmo a menor das vibrações interferirá com a frequência da luz durante sua viagem, e fará com que os dois raios de luz estejam fora de sincronia.
Ainda que os interferômetros estejam em uso por mais de cem anos, a chave para o holômetro é obter precisão extrema em altas frequências. Os cientistas dizem que o holômetro terá sete ordens de magnitude a mais de precisão do que qualquer relógio atômico em existência, relativamente a intervalos de tempo muito pequenos. Por ter dois interferômetros, os pesquisadores podem comparar seus resultados para confirmar as mensurações. Além disso, os cientistas estão se certificando de que qualquer vibração que seja detetada não esteja vindo do próprio holômetro. Eles montarão sensores do lado de fora do holômetro para detetar vibrações normais, e então cancelarão essas vibrações fazendo com que os espelhos vibrem na mesma frequência.
Após tomar essas precauções, qualquer ruído de alta frequência detetado poderia ser a agitação do próprio espaçotempo, ou 'ruído holográfico'. Espera-se que o ruído tenha uma frequência de milhões de ciclos por segundo, que é milhares de vezes superior ao que o ouvido humano pode escutar, notou o físico experimental do Fermilab, Aaron Chou. Se o experimento encontrar mesmo este ruído holográfico, terá sido a primeira visão para além de nossa ilusão tridimensional, e uma visão da verdadeira natureza bidimensional do universo na escala de Planck.
More information: via: symmetry magazine
Também há outras coisinhas sobre o assunto aqui:
October 28, 2010 by Lisa Zyga
( -- Muitas idéias em física teórica envolvem dimensões extras, mas a possibilidade de que o universo tenha apenas duas dimensões também poderia ter implicaçõs surpreendentes. A idéia é de que o espaço na ultra-pequena escala de Planck é bidimensional, e que a terceira dimensão está inextricavelmente ligada ao tempo. Se este for o caso, então nosso universo tridimensional nada mais é do que um holograma de um universo bidimensional.
Esta idéia do universo holográfico não é nova, mas físicos do Fermilab estão agora projetando um experimento para testar a idéia. O astrofísico de partículas do Fermilab, Craig Hogan, e outros, estão construindo um intrferômetro holográfico, ou 'holômetro', em uma tentativa de detetar o ruído inerente ao espaçotempo, que revelaria o limite máximo de frequência definitivo imposto pela natureza.
Como Hogan explica em número recente da revista symmetry,do Fermilab, o holômetro será "a medição mais sensível jamais feita do próprio espaçotempo". Hogan e outros já construiram um protótipo de um metro de comprimento do instrumento. Eles começaram a construir o holômetro completo de 40 metros e planejam começar a coletar dados no próximo ano.
O holômetro consiste de dois interferômetros completamente distintos posicionados um sobre o outro. Em cada interferômetro, um raio de luz é dividido em duas partes diferentes que viajam em diferentes direções. Após refletirem-se em um espelho, os raios de luz são reintegrados e a diferença de suas fases é mensurada. Mesmo a menor das vibrações interferirá com a frequência da luz durante sua viagem, e fará com que os dois raios de luz estejam fora de sincronia.
Ainda que os interferômetros estejam em uso por mais de cem anos, a chave para o holômetro é obter precisão extrema em altas frequências. Os cientistas dizem que o holômetro terá sete ordens de magnitude a mais de precisão do que qualquer relógio atômico em existência, relativamente a intervalos de tempo muito pequenos. Por ter dois interferômetros, os pesquisadores podem comparar seus resultados para confirmar as mensurações. Além disso, os cientistas estão se certificando de que qualquer vibração que seja detetada não esteja vindo do próprio holômetro. Eles montarão sensores do lado de fora do holômetro para detetar vibrações normais, e então cancelarão essas vibrações fazendo com que os espelhos vibrem na mesma frequência.
Após tomar essas precauções, qualquer ruído de alta frequência detetado poderia ser a agitação do próprio espaçotempo, ou 'ruído holográfico'. Espera-se que o ruído tenha uma frequência de milhões de ciclos por segundo, que é milhares de vezes superior ao que o ouvido humano pode escutar, notou o físico experimental do Fermilab, Aaron Chou. Se o experimento encontrar mesmo este ruído holográfico, terá sido a primeira visão para além de nossa ilusão tridimensional, e uma visão da verdadeira natureza bidimensional do universo na escala de Planck.
More information: via: symmetry magazine
Também há outras coisinhas sobre o assunto aqui:
Cérebro, Corpo e Máquina

Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of McGill University Centre for Intelligent ... (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing). The reader will find here papers on human-robot interaction as well as human safety algorithms; haptic interfaces; innovative instruments and algorithms for the sensing of motion and the identification of brain neoplasms; even a paper on a saxophone-playing robot.
Brain, Body and Machine
Jorge Angeles, Benoit Boulet, James J. Clark, Jozsef Kovecses
Springer 2010 327 pages PDF 10 MB
Processamento do Sinal Auditivo

The result of extensive collaboration among leaders of the worldwide auditory research community, Auditory Signal Processing: Physiology, Psychoacoustics, and Models is a record of the papers presented at the XIIIth International Symposium on Hearing (ISH) Dourdan, France, August 24-29, 2003. The volume includes a total of 62 invited papers, organized into 12 broad thematic areas: cochlear signal processing; brainstem signal processing; pitch; frequency modulation; streaming; amplitude modulation; responses to complex sounds; speech; comodulation masking release; binaural hearing; temporal coding; and plasticity.
Auditory Signal Processing: Physiology, Psychoacoustics, and Models
Daniel Pressnitzer, Alain de Cheveigné, Stephen McAdams, Lionel Collet
Springer 2004 524 pages PDF 11,4 MB
Linguagem e Linguística

A comprehensive and critical A-Z guide to the main terms and concepts used in the study of language and linguistics, definitions featured include: terms used in grammatical analysis branches of linguistics from semantics to neurolinguistics approaches used in studying language from critical discourse analysis to systemic linguistics linguistic phenomena from code-switching to conversational implicature language varieties from pidgin to standard language.This fully updated second edition includes a new introduction, a wide range of new entries (reflecting developments in linguistics) and added specialized further reading for lecturers and more advanced students.
Language and Linguistics: The Key Concepts
R.L. Trask and Peter Stockwell
Routledge 2 edition 2007 392 pages PDF 2,3MB
Um estudo da epistemologia egocêntrica
In this new book, Foley defends an epistemology that takes seriously the perspectives of individual thinkers. He argues that having rational opinions is a matter of meeting our own internal standards rather than standards that are somehow imposed upon us from the outside. It is a matter of making ourselves invulnerable to intellectual self-criticism. Foley also shows how the theory of rational belief is part of a general theory of rationality. He thus avoids treating the rationality of belief as a fundamentally different kind of phenomenon from the rationality of decision or action. His approach generates promising suggestions about a wide range of issues--e.g., the distinction between epistemic and non-epistemic reasons for belief; the question of what aspects of the Cartesian project are still worth doing; the significance of simplicity and other theoretical virtues; the relevance of skeptical hypotheses; the difference between a theory of rational belief and a theory of knowledge; the difference between a theory of rational belief and a theory of rational degrees of belief; and the limits of idealization in epistemology.
Working without a Net: A Study of Egocentric Epistemology
Richard Foley
Oxford University Press, USA 1992 PDF 224 pages 14.81 MB
Working without a Net: A Study of Egocentric Epistemology
Richard Foley
Oxford University Press, USA 1992 PDF 224 pages 14.81 MB
Flauta: Sonatas de Händel, Bach & Telemann

Sharon Bezaly has demonstrated her great gifts as a flutist on a number of recordings on BIS ranging from the concertos written for her by renowned contemporary composers, including Sofia Gubaidulina and Kalevi Aho, to the classic staples of the flute literature such as Mozart’s concertos and flute quartets. Along the way there has been a wealth of imaginatively programmed recital discs, focusing on the great flute sonatas as well as the French flute tradition. On this disc, Bezaly visits the period in which the flute became established as a solo instrument in its own right. It was only in the eighteenth century that wind players began to specialize on flute rather than oboe or recorder and composers started writing specifically for it. This disc reflects these exciting developments in musical taste with a programme of six sonatas for flute and harpsichord, with and without the support of a bass instrument.
Sharon Bezaly & London Baroque
Barocking Together
2008 - Sharon Bezaly (flute), Terence Charlston (harpsichord) & Charles Medlam (bass viol)EAC Rip FLAC+CUE+LOG 372 MB no scansMP3 CBR 320kbps 176 MBBaroque Label: BIS 67:35
quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2010
Big Mama Thorton With The Muddy Waters Band - Since I Fell for You
Lenny Welch - Since I Fell for You - Lenny Welch - Since I Fell For You.mp3
Blues Power Band - Cold Cold Feeling Power Band-Cold cold feeling.mp3
Runrig - Worker for the Wind albums/Runrig - 1987 - The Cutter and the Clan/05 - Worker For The Wind.mp3
Capercaillie - Ailein Duinn
Não tenho como transferir para ser ouvida direto, mas é musicão: é o tema do filme Rob Roy.
Construindo um neocórtex
Steve Quartz deve ser o nome do publisher dessa matéria sobre o Blue Brain Project, mas não tenho certeza. Henry Markram, chefe desse projeto, está tentando construir um neocórtex de rato para estudos mais aprofundados do funcionamento do cérebro e também como prelúdio para uma iniciativa semelhante quanto ao cérebro humano.
The quantum leap
Neurons receive inputs from thousands of other neurons, which are intricately mapped onto different branches of highly complex dendritic trees and require tens of thousands of compartments to accurately represent them. There is therefore a minimal size of a microcircuit and a minimal complexity of a neuron’s morphology that can fully sustain a neuron. A massive increase in computational power is required to make this quantum leap — an increase that is provided by IBM’s Blue Gene supercomputer2 (FIG. 1). By exploiting the computing power of Blue Gene, the Blue Brain Project1 aims to build accurate models of the mammalian brain from first principles.
The first phase of the project is to build a cellular-level (as opposed to a genetic- or molecular-level) model of a 2-week-old rat somatosensory neocortex corresponding to the dimensions of a neocortical column (NCC) as defined by the dendritic arborizations of the layer 5 pyramidal neurons. The quest to understand the detailed microstructure of the NCC started more than 100 years ago with the pioneering work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1854–1934). This work, which was continued by a series of prominent anatomists, has provided a wealth of data, but the combination of anatomical and physiological properties of neurons was missing. Alexandra Thomson performed the first paired recordings in the neocortex, allowing simultaneous characterization of the morphology and physiology of individual neurons as well as the synaptic connections between many neurons33. The combination of infrared differential interference microscopy in brain slices34,35 and the use of multi-neuron patch-clamping36 allowed the systematic quantification of the molecular, morphological and electrical properties of the different neurons and their synaptic pathways in a manner that would allow an accurate reconstruction of the column.
Mas não deixe de ver o mesmo projeto (mas com apresentação completamente diferente, para melhor) de Henry Markram, aqui. Um artigaço de Markram, de oito páginas, explica tudo desde o começo , e vale a pena dar uma olhada. Pode ser visto nesse aqui.
Alan Turing (1912–1954) started off by wanting to “build the brain” and ended up with a computer. In the 60 years that have followed, computation speed has gone from 1 floating point operation per second (FLOPS) to over 250 trillion — by far the largest man-made growth rate of any kind in the ~10,000 years of human civilization. This is a mere blink of an eye, a single generation, in the 5 million years of human evolution and billions of years of organic life. What will the future hold — in the next 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years? These immense calcu lation speeds have revolutionized science, technology and medicine in numerous and profound ways. In particular, it is becoming increasingly possible to simulate some of nature’s most intimate processes with exquisite accuracy, from atomic reactions to the folding of a single protein, gene networks, molecular interactions, the opening of an ion channel on the surface of a cell, and the detailed activity of a single neuron. As calculation speeds approach and go beyond the petaFLOPS range, it is becoming feasible to make the next series of quantum leaps to simulating networks of neurons, brain regions and, eventually, the whole brain. Turing may, after all, have provided the means by which to build the brain.
E por aí vai. Imperdível!
The quantum leap
Neurons receive inputs from thousands of other neurons, which are intricately mapped onto different branches of highly complex dendritic trees and require tens of thousands of compartments to accurately represent them. There is therefore a minimal size of a microcircuit and a minimal complexity of a neuron’s morphology that can fully sustain a neuron. A massive increase in computational power is required to make this quantum leap — an increase that is provided by IBM’s Blue Gene supercomputer2 (FIG. 1). By exploiting the computing power of Blue Gene, the Blue Brain Project1 aims to build accurate models of the mammalian brain from first principles.
The first phase of the project is to build a cellular-level (as opposed to a genetic- or molecular-level) model of a 2-week-old rat somatosensory neocortex corresponding to the dimensions of a neocortical column (NCC) as defined by the dendritic arborizations of the layer 5 pyramidal neurons. The quest to understand the detailed microstructure of the NCC started more than 100 years ago with the pioneering work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1854–1934). This work, which was continued by a series of prominent anatomists, has provided a wealth of data, but the combination of anatomical and physiological properties of neurons was missing. Alexandra Thomson performed the first paired recordings in the neocortex, allowing simultaneous characterization of the morphology and physiology of individual neurons as well as the synaptic connections between many neurons33. The combination of infrared differential interference microscopy in brain slices34,35 and the use of multi-neuron patch-clamping36 allowed the systematic quantification of the molecular, morphological and electrical properties of the different neurons and their synaptic pathways in a manner that would allow an accurate reconstruction of the column.
Mas não deixe de ver o mesmo projeto (mas com apresentação completamente diferente, para melhor) de Henry Markram, aqui. Um artigaço de Markram, de oito páginas, explica tudo desde o começo , e vale a pena dar uma olhada. Pode ser visto nesse aqui.
Alan Turing (1912–1954) started off by wanting to “build the brain” and ended up with a computer. In the 60 years that have followed, computation speed has gone from 1 floating point operation per second (FLOPS) to over 250 trillion — by far the largest man-made growth rate of any kind in the ~10,000 years of human civilization. This is a mere blink of an eye, a single generation, in the 5 million years of human evolution and billions of years of organic life. What will the future hold — in the next 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years? These immense calcu lation speeds have revolutionized science, technology and medicine in numerous and profound ways. In particular, it is becoming increasingly possible to simulate some of nature’s most intimate processes with exquisite accuracy, from atomic reactions to the folding of a single protein, gene networks, molecular interactions, the opening of an ion channel on the surface of a cell, and the detailed activity of a single neuron. As calculation speeds approach and go beyond the petaFLOPS range, it is becoming feasible to make the next series of quantum leaps to simulating networks of neurons, brain regions and, eventually, the whole brain. Turing may, after all, have provided the means by which to build the brain.
E por aí vai. Imperdível!
Language evolution as cultural evolution: how language is shaped by the brain
Language evolution as cultural evolution: how language is shaped by the brain
Nick Chater & Morten H. Christiansen
Article first published online: 28 JUN 2010
DOI: 10.1002/wcs.85
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science
Volume 1, Issue 5, pages 623–628, September/October 2010
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Publication History
Issue published online: 27 JUL 2010
Article first published online: 28 JUN 2010
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Abstract.This paper reviews arguments against the evolutionary plausibility of a traditional genetically specified universal grammar. We argue that no such universal grammar could have evolved, either by a process of natural selection or by other evolutionary mechanisms. Instead, we propose that the close fit between languages and language learners, which make language acquisition possible, arises not because humans possess a specialized biological adaptation for language, but because language has been shaped to fit the brain, a process of cultural evolution. On this account, many aspects of the structure of human languages may be explained as cultural adaptations to the human brain. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Nick Chater & Morten H. Christiansen
Article first published online: 28 JUN 2010
DOI: 10.1002/wcs.85
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science
Volume 1, Issue 5, pages 623–628, September/October 2010
Additional Information(Show All)
Publication History
Issue published online: 27 JUL 2010
Article first published online: 28 JUN 2010
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Abstract.This paper reviews arguments against the evolutionary plausibility of a traditional genetically specified universal grammar. We argue that no such universal grammar could have evolved, either by a process of natural selection or by other evolutionary mechanisms. Instead, we propose that the close fit between languages and language learners, which make language acquisition possible, arises not because humans possess a specialized biological adaptation for language, but because language has been shaped to fit the brain, a process of cultural evolution. On this account, many aspects of the structure of human languages may be explained as cultural adaptations to the human brain. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Great Expectations: Conference on Brain Plasticity
Great Expectations: Conference on Brain Plasticity
Posted by ashwinbudden on March 1, 2010
Back in February, the Danish School of Education at Aarhus University in Copenhagen hosted a fantastic looking conference, “Great Expectations: The Plasticity of the Brain and Neurosciences at the Threshold: Nature and Nurture – And Beyond…” The conference was organized by GNOSIS Research Centre – Mind and Thinking Initiative.
It had a great line-up: Steven Rose, Douglas Hofstadter, Maxine Sheet-Johnson, Timothy Ingold, and a host of Danish scholars whose work we can now all expore. The three days of the conference each addressed a different theme: Brain Plasticity, Awareness and Intentionality, and Beyond Dualisms.
You can read the Introductory Statement on the conference. Here’s one paragraph from the end:
Neuroscience seems to have learned from its critics. Reductive and neurocentric positions have to give way to the ideas that the plastic brain is capable of learning for life, and that both bodily movement as well as social activity leaves clearly formed traces in the development of the brain. Whenever we pray, learn to ride a bicycle, or read a book, the brain changes. The brain is not destiny. Are there no limits, human and neurobiological, to how much we can learn and to the extent that upbringing might effect changes in the brain?
The best thing is that you can get the videos from all the talks. So here is Steven Rose on The Future of the Brain – Promises and Perils of the Neurosciences (preceed by an intro to the conference), Jesper Morgensen on Any Limits to Neuroplasticity?, and Tim Ingold on The Social Brain.
You can access the entire program and all the videos at the Great Expectations conference website.
Posted by ashwinbudden on March 1, 2010
Back in February, the Danish School of Education at Aarhus University in Copenhagen hosted a fantastic looking conference, “Great Expectations: The Plasticity of the Brain and Neurosciences at the Threshold: Nature and Nurture – And Beyond…” The conference was organized by GNOSIS Research Centre – Mind and Thinking Initiative.
It had a great line-up: Steven Rose, Douglas Hofstadter, Maxine Sheet-Johnson, Timothy Ingold, and a host of Danish scholars whose work we can now all expore. The three days of the conference each addressed a different theme: Brain Plasticity, Awareness and Intentionality, and Beyond Dualisms.
You can read the Introductory Statement on the conference. Here’s one paragraph from the end:
Neuroscience seems to have learned from its critics. Reductive and neurocentric positions have to give way to the ideas that the plastic brain is capable of learning for life, and that both bodily movement as well as social activity leaves clearly formed traces in the development of the brain. Whenever we pray, learn to ride a bicycle, or read a book, the brain changes. The brain is not destiny. Are there no limits, human and neurobiological, to how much we can learn and to the extent that upbringing might effect changes in the brain?
The best thing is that you can get the videos from all the talks. So here is Steven Rose on The Future of the Brain – Promises and Perils of the Neurosciences (preceed by an intro to the conference), Jesper Morgensen on Any Limits to Neuroplasticity?, and Tim Ingold on The Social Brain.
You can access the entire program and all the videos at the Great Expectations conference website.
Influência da linguagem no pensamento
The new linguistic relativism: Guy Deutscher in the NYTimes
Posted by gregdowney on August 31, 2010
How does language affect thought and perception? It’s a question we’ve looked at here at on a number of occasions, but Prof. Guy Deutscher, offers a nice general survey of the current state of play in the research over at The New York Times in ‘Does Your Language Shape How You Think?’ Posts on language tend to attract a lot of traffic, so I’d encourage you to take a look.
Prof. Deutscher is an accomplished linguist, who has written a number of general works as well as specialist works, including research on Akkadian, the language of ancient Babylon and Assyria. Deutscher is honorary research fellow at the School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures at the University of Manchester, and the article is adapted from his forthcoming book, Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages, to be published by Metropolitan Books.
Deutscher lays out a number of different areas of research that suggest language affects thought, especially in the areas of gender, spatial perception, time, and colour perception, and suggests some areas where profound linguistic differences offer tantalizing possibilities for studying the subtle ways that linguistic practice can influence cognition.
Although I feel Deutscher is unreasonably harsh on Whorf, in part because some contemporary understandings of Benjamin Whorf paint him as a more radical linguistic determinist than I find him to be, the research Deutscher discusses is well worth considering, and it’s a nifty piece to share with our regular readers.
Posted by gregdowney on August 31, 2010
How does language affect thought and perception? It’s a question we’ve looked at here at on a number of occasions, but Prof. Guy Deutscher, offers a nice general survey of the current state of play in the research over at The New York Times in ‘Does Your Language Shape How You Think?’ Posts on language tend to attract a lot of traffic, so I’d encourage you to take a look.
Prof. Deutscher is an accomplished linguist, who has written a number of general works as well as specialist works, including research on Akkadian, the language of ancient Babylon and Assyria. Deutscher is honorary research fellow at the School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures at the University of Manchester, and the article is adapted from his forthcoming book, Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages, to be published by Metropolitan Books.
Deutscher lays out a number of different areas of research that suggest language affects thought, especially in the areas of gender, spatial perception, time, and colour perception, and suggests some areas where profound linguistic differences offer tantalizing possibilities for studying the subtle ways that linguistic practice can influence cognition.
Although I feel Deutscher is unreasonably harsh on Whorf, in part because some contemporary understandings of Benjamin Whorf paint him as a more radical linguistic determinist than I find him to be, the research Deutscher discusses is well worth considering, and it’s a nifty piece to share with our regular readers.
Entrevista com Mark Changizi
An Interview with Mark Changizi: Culture Harnessing the Brain
Daniel Lende
Posted: October 22, 2010
I’m delighted today to present an interview with Mark Changizi, the noted cognitive scientist and author. Changizi has a forthcoming book Harnessed: How Language and Music Mimicked Nature and Transformed Ape to Man, where he examines how culture can have such an impact on people.
This book represents a broadening of his previous research, which has focused on vision, cognition, and brain complexity.
His research aims to grasp the ultimate foundations underlying why we think, feel and see as we do. Focusing on “why” questions, he has made important discoveries on why we see in color, why we see illusions, why we have forward-facing eyes, why letters are shaped as they are, why the brain is organized as it is, why animals have as many limbs and fingers as they do, and why the dictionary is organized as it is.
Changizi is currently Director of Human Cognition at 2AI Labs, “Researching the mind, what it does, and where it’s headed.” Changizi’s book The Vision Revolution was named one of New Scientist’s Top Science Books of 2009.
Daniel Lende
Posted: October 22, 2010
I’m delighted today to present an interview with Mark Changizi, the noted cognitive scientist and author. Changizi has a forthcoming book Harnessed: How Language and Music Mimicked Nature and Transformed Ape to Man, where he examines how culture can have such an impact on people.
This book represents a broadening of his previous research, which has focused on vision, cognition, and brain complexity.
His research aims to grasp the ultimate foundations underlying why we think, feel and see as we do. Focusing on “why” questions, he has made important discoveries on why we see in color, why we see illusions, why we have forward-facing eyes, why letters are shaped as they are, why the brain is organized as it is, why animals have as many limbs and fingers as they do, and why the dictionary is organized as it is.
Changizi is currently Director of Human Cognition at 2AI Labs, “Researching the mind, what it does, and where it’s headed.” Changizi’s book The Vision Revolution was named one of New Scientist’s Top Science Books of 2009.
terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010
Coordenação cerebral dinâmica
A fundamental shift is occurring in neuroscience and related disciplines. In the past, researchers focused on functional specialization of the brain, discovering complex processing strategies based on convergence and divergence in slowly adapting anatomical architectures. Yet for the brain to cope with ever-changing and unpredictable circumstances, it needs strategies with richer interactive short-term dynamics. Recent research has revealed ways in which the brain effectively coordinates widely distributed and specialized activities to meet the needs of the moment. This book explores these findings, examining the functions, mechanisms, and manifestations of distributed dynamical coordination in the brain and mind across different species and levels of organization.The book identifies three basic functions of dynamic coordination: contextual disambiguation, dynamic grouping, and dynamic routing. It considers the role of dynamic coordination in temporally structured activity and explores these issues at different levels, from synaptic and local circuit mechanisms to macroscopic system dynamics, emphasizing their importance for cognition, behavior, and psychopathology.
Dynamic Coordination in the Brain
The MIT Press 2010 436 pages File type: PDF 3.25
Dynamic Coordination in the Brain
The MIT Press 2010 436 pages File type: PDF 3.25
Filosofia da Linguagem
In this book, a group of innovative young philosophers working in philosophy of language present an invigorating examination of some of the seminal issues in the field.
Review': This is a very useful collection of papers by a first rate group of young philosophers of language'. - Alex Miller, University of Birmingham, UK
New Waves in Philosophy of Language
Sarah Sawyer
Palgrave Macmillan 2010 288 pages PDF 1,8 mb
Review': This is a very useful collection of papers by a first rate group of young philosophers of language'. - Alex Miller, University of Birmingham, UK
New Waves in Philosophy of Language
Sarah Sawyer
Palgrave Macmillan 2010 288 pages PDF 1,8 mb
segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2010
A Mente, Introdução à Ciência Cognitiva, por Paul Thagard

Cognitive science approaches the study of mind and intelligence from an interdisciplinary perspective, working at the intersection of philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology. With Mind, Paul Thagard offers an introduction to this interdisciplinary field for readers who come to the subject with very different backgrounds. It is suitable for classroom use by students with interests ranging from computer science and engineering to psychology and philosophy.Thagard's systematic descriptions and evaluations of the main theories of mental representation advanced by cognitive scientists allow students to see that there are many complementary approaches to the investigation of mind. The fundamental theoretical perspectives he describes include logic, rules, concepts, analogies, images, and connections (artificial neural networks). The discussion of these theories provides an integrated view of the different achievements of the various fields of cognitive science.This second edition includes substantial revision and new material. Part I, which presents the different theoretical approaches, has been updated in light of recent work the field. Part II, which treats extensions to cognitive science, has been thoroughly revised, with new chapters added on brains, emotions, and consciousness. Other additions include a list of relevant Web sites at the end of each chapter and a glossary at the end of the book. As in the first edition, each chapter concludes with a summary and suggestions for further reading.
Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science
Paul Thagard
The MIT Press 2005 278 Pages PDF 2 MB
Husserl, Heidegger e o Espaço do Significado

In this work Crowell proposes that the distinguishing feature of 20th-century philosophy is not so much its emphasis on language as its concern with meaning. He argues that transcendental phenomenology is indispensible to the philosophical explanation of the space of meaning.
Husserl, Heidegger, and the Space of Meaning: Paths Toward Trancendental Phenomenology
Steven Galt Crowell
CrowellPublisher: Northwestern University Press 2001 323 Pages PDF 1 MB
Unidade entre línguas tonais e atonais
Real-Time Correlates of Phonological Quantity Reveal Unity of Tonal and Non-Tonal Languages
Abstract.Discrete phonological phenomena form our conscious experience of language: continuous changes in pitch appear as distinct tones to the speakers of tone languages, whereas the speakers of quantity languages experience duration categorically. The categorical nature of our linguistic experience is directly reflected in the traditionally clear-cut linguistic classification of languages into tonal or non-tonal. However, some evidence suggests that duration and pitch are fundamentally interconnected and co-vary in signaling word meaning in non-tonal languages as well. We show that pitch information affects real-time language processing in a (non-tonal) quantity language. The results suggest that there is no unidirectional causal link from a genetically-based perceptual sensitivity towards pitch information to the appearance of a tone language. They further suggest that the contrastive categories tone and quantity may be based on simultaneously co-varying properties of the speech signal and the processing system, even though the conscious experience of the speakers may highlight only one discrete variable at a time.
Juhani Järvikivi, Martti Vainio, Daniel Aalto
Abstract.Discrete phonological phenomena form our conscious experience of language: continuous changes in pitch appear as distinct tones to the speakers of tone languages, whereas the speakers of quantity languages experience duration categorically. The categorical nature of our linguistic experience is directly reflected in the traditionally clear-cut linguistic classification of languages into tonal or non-tonal. However, some evidence suggests that duration and pitch are fundamentally interconnected and co-vary in signaling word meaning in non-tonal languages as well. We show that pitch information affects real-time language processing in a (non-tonal) quantity language. The results suggest that there is no unidirectional causal link from a genetically-based perceptual sensitivity towards pitch information to the appearance of a tone language. They further suggest that the contrastive categories tone and quantity may be based on simultaneously co-varying properties of the speech signal and the processing system, even though the conscious experience of the speakers may highlight only one discrete variable at a time.
Juhani Järvikivi, Martti Vainio, Daniel Aalto
Imagens matemáticas de distúrbios mentais
Dynamical Principles of Emotion-Cognition Interaction: Mathematical Images of Mental Disorders
Abstract.The key contribution of this work is to introduce a mathematical framework to understand self-organized dynamics in the brain that can explain certain aspects of itinerant behavior. Specifically, we introduce a model based upon the coupling of generalized Lotka-Volterra systems. This coupling is based upon competition for common resources. The system can be regarded as a normal or canonical form for any distributed system that shows self-organized dynamics that entail winnerless competition. Crucially, we will show that some of the fundamental instabilities that arise in these coupled systems are remarkably similar to endogenous activity seen in the brain (using EEG and fMRI). Furthermore, by changing a small subset of the system's parameters we can produce bifurcations and metastable sequential dynamics changing, which bear a remarkable similarity to pathological brain states seen in psychiatry. In what follows, we will consider the coupling of two macroscopic modes of brain activity, which, in a purely descriptive fashion, we will label as cognitive and emotional modes. Our aim is to examine the dynamical structures that emerge when coupling these two modes and relate them tentatively to brain activity in normal and non-normal states.
Mikhail I. Rabinovich, Mehmet K. Muezzinoglu, Irina Strigo, Alexander Bystritsky
Abstract.The key contribution of this work is to introduce a mathematical framework to understand self-organized dynamics in the brain that can explain certain aspects of itinerant behavior. Specifically, we introduce a model based upon the coupling of generalized Lotka-Volterra systems. This coupling is based upon competition for common resources. The system can be regarded as a normal or canonical form for any distributed system that shows self-organized dynamics that entail winnerless competition. Crucially, we will show that some of the fundamental instabilities that arise in these coupled systems are remarkably similar to endogenous activity seen in the brain (using EEG and fMRI). Furthermore, by changing a small subset of the system's parameters we can produce bifurcations and metastable sequential dynamics changing, which bear a remarkable similarity to pathological brain states seen in psychiatry. In what follows, we will consider the coupling of two macroscopic modes of brain activity, which, in a purely descriptive fashion, we will label as cognitive and emotional modes. Our aim is to examine the dynamical structures that emerge when coupling these two modes and relate them tentatively to brain activity in normal and non-normal states.
Mikhail I. Rabinovich, Mehmet K. Muezzinoglu, Irina Strigo, Alexander Bystritsky
Interação entre música e memória de longo prazo
When Music and Long-Term Memory Interact: Effects of Musical Expertise on Functional and Structural Plasticity in the Hippocampus
Abstract.The development of musical skills by musicians results in specific structural and functional modifications in the brain. Surprisingly, no functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study has investigated the impact of musical training on brain function during long-term memory retrieval, a faculty particularly important in music. Thus, using fMRI, we examined for the first time this process during a musical familiarity task (i.e., semantic memory for music). Musical expertise induced supplementary activations in the hippocampus, medial frontal gyrus, and superior temporal areas on both sides, suggesting a constant interaction between episodic and semantic memory during this task in musicians. In addition, a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) investigation was performed within these areas and revealed that gray matter density of the hippocampus was higher in musicians than in nonmusicians. Our data indicate that musical expertise critically modifies long-term memory processes and induces structural and functional plasticity in the hippocampus.
Mathilde Groussard, Renaud La Joie, Géraldine Rauchs, Brigitte Landeau, Gaël Chételat, Fausto Viader, Béatrice Desgranges, Francis Eustache, Hervé Plate
Abstract.The development of musical skills by musicians results in specific structural and functional modifications in the brain. Surprisingly, no functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study has investigated the impact of musical training on brain function during long-term memory retrieval, a faculty particularly important in music. Thus, using fMRI, we examined for the first time this process during a musical familiarity task (i.e., semantic memory for music). Musical expertise induced supplementary activations in the hippocampus, medial frontal gyrus, and superior temporal areas on both sides, suggesting a constant interaction between episodic and semantic memory during this task in musicians. In addition, a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) investigation was performed within these areas and revealed that gray matter density of the hippocampus was higher in musicians than in nonmusicians. Our data indicate that musical expertise critically modifies long-term memory processes and induces structural and functional plasticity in the hippocampus.
Mathilde Groussard, Renaud La Joie, Géraldine Rauchs, Brigitte Landeau, Gaël Chételat, Fausto Viader, Béatrice Desgranges, Francis Eustache, Hervé Plate
Neurointegrado para ser social
Wired to Be Social: The Ontogeny of Human Interaction
Abstract.Newborns come into the world wired to socially interact. Is a propensity to socially oriented action already present before birth? Twin pregnancies provide a unique opportunity to investigate the social pre-wiring hypothesis. Although various types of inter-twins contact have been demonstrated starting from the 11th week of gestation, no study has so far investigated the critical question whether intra-pair contact is the result of motor planning rather then the accidental outcome of spatial proximity.
Kinematic profiles of movements in five pairs of twin foetuses were studied by using four-dimensional ultrasonography during two separate recording sessions carried out at the 14th and 18th week of gestation. We demonstrate that by the 14th week of gestation twin foetuses do not only display movements directed towards the uterine wall and self-directed movements, but also movements specifically aimed at the co-twin, the proportion of which increases between the 14th and 18th gestational week. Kinematic analysis revealed that movement duration was longer and deceleration time was prolonged for other-directed movements compared to movements directed towards the uterine wall. Similar kinematic profiles were observed for movements directed towards the co-twin and self-directed movements aimed at the eye-region, i.e. the most delicate region of the body.
We conclude that performance of movements towards the co-twin is not accidental: already starting from the 14th week of gestation twin foetuses execute movements specifically aimed at the co-twin.
Umberto Castiello, Cristina Becchio, Stefania Zoia, Cristian Nelini, Luisa Sartori, Laura Blason, Giuseppina D'Ottavio, Maria Bulgheroni, Vittorio Gallese
Abstract.Newborns come into the world wired to socially interact. Is a propensity to socially oriented action already present before birth? Twin pregnancies provide a unique opportunity to investigate the social pre-wiring hypothesis. Although various types of inter-twins contact have been demonstrated starting from the 11th week of gestation, no study has so far investigated the critical question whether intra-pair contact is the result of motor planning rather then the accidental outcome of spatial proximity.
Kinematic profiles of movements in five pairs of twin foetuses were studied by using four-dimensional ultrasonography during two separate recording sessions carried out at the 14th and 18th week of gestation. We demonstrate that by the 14th week of gestation twin foetuses do not only display movements directed towards the uterine wall and self-directed movements, but also movements specifically aimed at the co-twin, the proportion of which increases between the 14th and 18th gestational week. Kinematic analysis revealed that movement duration was longer and deceleration time was prolonged for other-directed movements compared to movements directed towards the uterine wall. Similar kinematic profiles were observed for movements directed towards the co-twin and self-directed movements aimed at the eye-region, i.e. the most delicate region of the body.
We conclude that performance of movements towards the co-twin is not accidental: already starting from the 14th week of gestation twin foetuses execute movements specifically aimed at the co-twin.
Umberto Castiello, Cristina Becchio, Stefania Zoia, Cristian Nelini, Luisa Sartori, Laura Blason, Giuseppina D'Ottavio, Maria Bulgheroni, Vittorio Gallese
Cat Power - A Woman Left Lonely
Huey Lewis and The news - Power of Love
Som na caixa...
Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke
Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
O lado brega do nosso coração também merece... (Reconheça: a mulher canta pra caramba.)
As palavras do mundo
Ainda do Metafilter: Words of the World is a site dedicated to the exploration and life of words and language. Que site incrível! Não deixe de dar uma olhada. Filminhos, artigos, correspondências, e também ligação com o site original, do qual Words of the World é apenas um 'blog':, tudo feito pela University of Nottingham.
John Allen Paulos no NY Times
Artigo excelente: October 24, 2010, 5:15 pm —Stories vs. Statistics, By JOHN ALLEN PAULOS, no NY Times. Paulos, que é professor de matemática da Temple University e autor de diversos livros (dele, li apenas Innumeracy, sobre o desconhecimento generalizado da matemática, um livro fininho mas um livraço).
Free Jazz
Um blog maravilhoso, onde há filminhos e urls para download, além do creme da coisa toda: as críticas dos lançamentos de Free Jazz, simplesmente uma raridade. A linguagem é um coloquial culto e bem informado. Diz o autor, Stef:
Local: Afeganistão (mas ele é aparentemente holandês, pois possui dois outros blogs nessa língua)
Quem sou eu
I am a pumpkin (70% of my genes). I am a chimp (95% of my genes). I am also human, sharing 99.9% of my genes with all other men.
A veia das postagens é mais ou menos por aí, só que trata-se de coisa muito séria. Para quem gosta desse estilo de música e acompanha a movimentação em torno dele, uma fonte preciosa.
Há uma lista em ordem alfabética de todas as resenhas dos CDs (parecem ser centenas). Veja um exemplo:
Alphabetical Overview Of All CD Reviews
Overview of all CD reviews (last updated August 3, 2010)(always starting with the first name as you would pronounce the artist's or the band's name):
Harris Eisenstadt - StarmelodicsAcoustic Guitar Trio - VignesAdam Caine Trio - ThousandfoldAdam Lane/Ken Vandermark/Magnus Broo/Paal Nilssen-Love - 4 CornersAdam Lane - BuffaloAdam Lane, Lou Grassi, Mark Whitecage - Drunk ButterflyAdam Pieronczyk - Live In BerlinAdam Pierończyk Quartet - El Buscador Adam Rogers - Time And The Infinite Adam Rudolph's Moving Pictures - Dream GardenAdam Rudolph & Ralph Jones - Yèyi Ad Peijnenburg & William Parker - Brooklyn CallingAhleuchatistas - Of The Body Prone Agent-K - MouvementsAgusti Fernández & Barry Guy - Some Other Place Aida Severo Aki Takase & Silke Eberhard - Ornette Coleman AnthologyAki Takase & Alexander Von Schlippenbach - Iron Wedding Aki Takase - A Week Went ByAkira Sakata - Friendly PantsAlasNoAxis - HouseplantAlbert Beger - Big MotherAlberto Braida - Talus Alberto Pinton, Kullhammar, Zetterberg, Nordeson - ChantAlexandra Grimal Trio - ShapeAlexandra Grimal - Owls Talk Alex Machacek - ImprovisionAlex Sipiagin - PrintsAlipio C. Neto - The Perfume Comes Before The FlowerAlvin Fielder - A Measure Of VisionAmalgam - Prayer For PeaceAmir ElSaffar - Two RiversAmir ElSaffar & Hafez Modirzadeh - Radif Suite AMM - TrinityAmos Hoffman - EvolutionAndrea Centazzo - VoyagersAndrea Centazzo & Gianluigi Trovesi - Shock!! Andrea Centazzo & Joe Giardullo - The Way - Live In Woodstock Andreas Schmidt, Samuel Rohrer, Thomas Heberer - Pieces For A Husky PuzzleAndrew Cyrille & Greg Osby - Low Blue FlameAndrew D'Angelo - Skadra DegisAndrzej Przybielski/Oles/Oles - AbstractAndy Milne & Benoît Delbecq - Where Is Pannonica?Andy Sheppard - Movements In ColourAngelica Sanchez - Life BetweenAngelo Olivieri - Caos MusiqueAngles - Every Woman Is A TreeAngles - Epileptical West/Live In Coimbra Anthony Braxton - (Glasgow) 2005 Anthony Braxton, William Parker, Milford Graves - Beyond QuantumAnthony Braxton & Joe Morris - Four ImprovisationsAnthony Braxton by Geneviève Foccroule - Piano Music (1968-2000)Anthony Braxton - Quartet GTM (2001)Anthony Braxton - Standards (Brussels) 2006 Anthony Braxton & Kyle Brenders - Toronto (Duets)Anthony Braxton & Joëlle Léandre - DuoAnthony Braxton - 19 Standards (Quartet) 2003Anthony Braxton & Ann Rhodes - GTM (Syntax) 2003Anthony Braxton - GTM (Outpost) 2003Anthony Coleman - Freakish - Anthony Coleman Plays Jerry Roll MortonAnthony Ortega - Afternoon in ParisAnthony Santor Ari Diaconis Project - Beyond HumanArchie Shepp - GeminiArchie Shepp & Dar GnawaArild Andersen - Live At BellevilleArsis - Désordres Art Ensemble Of Chicago - Fundamental DestinyArtifact: iTi Live In St. Johann Arve Henriksen - StrjonAstula Democratica - Illusio Atomic - Happy New EarsAtomic - RetrogradeAtomic/Schooldays - DistilAtomic - Theater Tilters, Vol. 1 Avant Coast - DiscussionsAvishaï Cohen - After The Big RainAvishai Cohen - FloodAvram Fefer Trio - RitualAzar Lawrence - Prayer For My Ancestors Back & Forth - Unavoidable CasualtyBar Kokhba - Lucifer, Book Of Angels, Vol.10Barre Phillips - PortraitsBarry Guy/Mats Gustafsson/Raymond Strid - TarfalaBarry Guy - Phases Of The NightBarry Guy & Mats Gustafsson - Sinners, Rather Than SaintsBen Syversen - Cracked Vessel Ben Stapp - EcstasisBengt Berger - Bitter Funeral BeerBengt Berger & Kjell Westling - Spelar, Live In Stockholm 1977Bengt Berger - Beches BrewBernardo Sassetti Trio - Motion Bill Dixon With Exploding Star OrchestraBill Dixon - 17 Musicians In Search Of A Sound : DarfurBill Dixon - Tapestries for Small Orchestra Bill Dixon, Aaron Siegel, Ben Hall - Weight/Counterweight Bill Frisell - FloratoneBill Frisell - History, MysteryBilly Hart Trio - Live At Café Damberd Billy Stein - HybridsBitter Funeral Beer Band - Live In NurnbergBlaise Siwula - New York MomentsBlaise Siwula & Carsten RadkeBlastula - ScarnoduoBob Gluck Trio - SidewaysBobby Bradford - VaristarBobby Bradford, Gjerstad, Håker Flaten, Nilssen-Love - ReknesBobby Previte & New Bump - Set The Alarm For MondayBobby Zankel Trio - Many In Body, One In MindBoots Brown - Boots BrownBorah Bergman Trio - LuminescenceBorah Bergman & Stefano Pastor - Live At TortonaBrad Shepik - Places You GoBrad Shepik - Human Activity SuiteBrian Groder - TorqueBrian Groder & Burton Greene - Groder & Greene Bridge 61 - JournalBuffalo Collision - DuckBurton Greene & Perry Robinson - Two Voices In The DesertBurton Greene - Live At The Woodstock Playhouse 1965 Byard Lancaster - Live At Macalester CollegeCalling Signals 08 - From Café OtoCamisetas - Camisetas Cardinal Carl Ludwig Hübsch - The Universe Is A DiskCarl Maguire - Sided Silver SolidCarl Testa - UncertaintyCarla Bley - Escalator Over The HillCarla Bley - The Lost Chords Find Paolo FresuCarla Bley - Carla's Christmas CarolsCarl-Ludwig Hübsch - Primordial SoupCarlos Barretto - LokomotivCarlos Barretto - Labirintos Carolyn Hume - Gravity And GraceCarolyn Hume & Paul May - Come To Nothing Cecil Taylor & Dominic Duval - The Last Dance Vol. 1 & 2Cécile Broché & Etienne Bouyer DuoChad Taylor - Circle DownCharles Gayle/William Parker/Rashied Ali - By Any MeansCharles Gayle Trio - Our Souls Charles Lloyd Quartet - Rabo De NubeCharles Rumback - Two Kinds Of Art Thieves Charlie Haden - Liberation Music OrchestraCharlie Hunter - Mistico Chicago Underground Trio - ChronicleChicago Underground Duo - Boca NegraChopsticks - ChopsticksChris Dadge - I'd Drive Yr Ass Across The World If I Had ToChris Gestrin - After The City Has Gone:QuietChris Kelsey - The Crookedest Straight LineChris Kelsey - The Crookedest Straight Line, Vol. 2Chris Kelsey - Not Cool (as in ... the opposite of Paul Desmond) Chris Potter - Follow The Red LineChris Riggs - Achievement Is It's Own RewardChris Speed, Chris Cheek & Stéphane Furic Leibovici - JugendstilChristian Lillinger's Grund - First ReasonChristian Wallumrod - The Zoo Is FarCircadian Rhythm Kings - Circadian Rhythm KingsClaire DeBrunner, Daniel Carter, Ken Silverman, Tom Zlabinger - Macroscopia Codona - The Codona TrilogyCollective 4tet - TransitionCommitment - The Complete Recordings 1981/1983 Conference Call - Poetry In MotionConference Call - What About Contet/Chevillon/Corneloup - NuCooper-Moore - Digital PrimitivesCooper-Moore retrospective 1990- 2010 Correction - Two Nights In AprilCo Streiff Sextet - Loops, Holes And AngelsCraig Green & David KingCreate!! - A Prospect Of FreedomCurtis Clark Trio - Táági Cuong Vu - Vu-tetDangerous Musics in '91Daniel Blacksberg Trio - Bit Heads Daniel Carter & Federico Ughi - Mountain PathDaniel Carter & Matt Lavelle - LiveDaniel Carter - SingularDaniel Carter/Colbourne/Flaherty - A Flash In The Sky Daniel Carter, Alberto Fiori, Tom Abbs, Federico Ughi - The Perfect Blue Daniel Erdmann, Jonas Westergaard, Samuel Rohrer - Sleeping With The EnemyDaniel Humair - Full ContactDaniel Humair, Tony Malaby, Bruno Chevillon - Pas De DenseDaniel Levin - BlurryDaniel Levin - FuhuffahDaniel Levin Quartet - Live At RouletteDaniel Zamir - I BelieveDaniele Cavallanti & Tiziano Tononi - Rings Of FireDans Les Arbres - Dans Les ArbresDarius Jones Trio - Man'ish Boy Darren Johnston - Reasons For MovingDarren Johnston - The Edge Of The ForestDave Ballou - InsistenceDave Ballou, Terrence McManus, Dennis Gray - Thirty9Thirty8Dave Douglas - Live At The Jazz StandardDave Douglas - Moonshine Dave Liebman - RenewalDave Liebman, Evan Parker, Tony Bianco - Relevance Dave Liebman - Turnaround - The Music Of Ornette ColemanDave Rempis & Frank Rosaly - Cyrillic David Arner Trio - Out In The Open David Binney - Out Of AirplanesDavid Binney - Third OccasionDavid Crowell Ensemble - Spectrum David Haney Trio - Blues RoyaleDavid Sait - Postage Paid Duets, Vol. 2David Schnitter - The Spirit Of ThingsDavid Taylor - Red Sea David Torn - PrezensDavid S. Ware - SurrenderedDavid S. Ware - RenunciationDavid S. Ware - ShaktiDavid S Ware Quartet - Live In VilniusDavid S. Ware - SaturnianDawn Of Midi - FirstDCIC with Greg Osby - Live At The WarehouseDeclared Enemy - Salute to 10000001 starsDemian Richardson - The Gowanus RecordingsDenis Beuret - AloneDenman Maroney - GagaDenman Maroney Quintet - UdentityDennis Gonzalez - No Photograph AvailableDennis Gonzalez - GeografiáDennis Gonzales - Dance Of The Soothsayer's TongueDennis Gonzalez Jnaana Septet - The Gift Of DiscernmentDennis González & Faruk Z. Bey - Hymn For Tomasz StankoDennis González & João Paulo - DuoDennis González - Renegade SpiritsDenniz González - The Great Bydgoszcz ConcertDenniz González - Songs Of Early AutumnDenniz González - A Matter of BloodDennis González Band Of Sorcerers - Live In Washington D.C.Devin Hoff - Solo BassDhafer Youssef & Wolfgang Muthspiel - GlowDiablo En Musica - ImprovisationsDidier Lasserre Trio - Live At L'Atelier TamponDie Enttäuschung Die Enttäuschung - 5 Digital Primitives - Hum, Crackle & Pop Don Cherry - Live At The Montmartre, Vol. 3Donat Fisch & Christian Wolfarth - Circle & Line 2 Double Duo - Crossword PuzzleDragons 1976Duology - Golden AtomsDupont T - Spider's DanceEA Silence - Cono Di OMbra E LuceEAR&NOW - Eclipse Eddie Prévost & Alan Wilkerson - So Are We, So Are WeEddy Prévost - Invenio Ergo/Sum Either/Orchestra - Live In AddisEivind Aarset - Sonic Codex Eivind Aarset & The Codex Orchestra - Live ExtractsEivind Opsvik - Overseas IIIElephant9 - DodovoodooElephant9 - Walk The NileEllery Eskelin - Quiet MusicEllery Eskelin & Sylvie Courvoisier - Every So OftenEllery Eskelin, with Andrea Parkins & Jim Black - One Great Night ... LiveElliott Sharp's Terraplane - ForgeryElliott Sharp - Octal, Book OneElton Dean & The Wrong Object - The Unbelievable TruthEmbers - Slag-WelterEmpty Cage Quartet - Hello The DamageEmpty Cage Quartet - StratostrophicEmpty Cage Quartet - Gravity Empty Cage Quartet & Soletti/Besnard - Take Care Of Floating Ensemble 56 - 1st Meeting Towards Sky Flight Of DragonEnterout Trio - Pink IvoryEri Yamamoto - In Each Day, Something GoodErik Friedlander - Block Ice & PropaneErik Friedlander - Volac, Book Of Angels, Vol. 8Erik Friedlander - Broken Arm TrioErik Truffaz - BenaresErika Dagnino & Stefano Pastor - CyclesErnest Dawkins - Mean AmeenErnie Krivda - The Art Of The TrioErnst Ludwig Petrowsky & Michael Griener - The SalmonErnst Reijseger - Tell Me EverythingEsa Pietilä - Tales of Fulica AtraEspen Eriksen Trio: You Had Me At GoodbyeEthan Winogrand - Tangled TangoEthnic Heritage Ensemble - Hot'n'HeavyEtienne De La Sayette - Treize Duos En Forme De BananeEvan Parker & Matthew Shipp - Abbey Road DuosEvan Parker & Ned Rothenberg - Live At RouletteEvan Parker's Transatlantic Ensemble - BoustrophedonEvgeny Masloboev & Anastasia Masloboeva - Russian Folksongs In The Key Of Sadness Exploding Customer - At Your ServiceExploding Star Orchestra - We Are All From Somewhere ElseEyal Maoz & Asaf Sirkis - Elementary DialoguesEyal Maoz's Edom - Hope And Destruction Eye Contact - Embracing The Tide/Making Eye Contact With GodFantastic Merlins - Look AroundFantastic Merlins - A Handful Of EarthFaruq Z. Bey With Northwoods Improvisers - Emerging Field Fat Kid Wednesdays - The Art Of CherryFattigfolket - FattigfolketFederico Ughi, Gene Janas, Daniel Carter - People's ResonanceFerenc Snetberger & Markus Stockhausen - StreamsFeuermusik - No ContestFieldwork - DoorFight The Big Bull - Dying Will Be EasyFight The Big Bull - All Is Gladness In The Kingdom Fire! - You Liked Me Five Minutes Ago Fire Room - Broken MusicFirst Meeting - Cut The Rope Five Spot - Poltva Fond Of Tigers - Release The SavioursFood - Refreshingly AddictiveFood - Quiet Inlet Forgiving July - Live At Novara Jazz FestivalFrame Quartet - 35mmFrancesco Bearzatti - Suite For Tina ModottiFrancis Wong Trio - Early AbstractionsFrançois Carrier - HappeningFrançois Carrier & Michel Lambert - KathmanduFrançois Carrier - WithinFrançois Carrier - The Digital BoxFrançois Carrier & Michel Lambert - NadaFrançois Corneloup - U.L.M.François Corneloup - NextFrank Gratkowski & Hamid Drake Frank Kimbrough - RumorsFranz Hautzinger's Regenorchester XII - Town DownFranz Hautzinger - Neublacher BlechFranz Koglmann - Lo-Lee-TaFred Anderson & Harrison Bankhead - The Great Vision ConcertFred Anderson & Hamid Drake - From The River To The OceanFred Anderson - TimelessFred Anderson - Staying In The GameFred Anderson Quartet - Live At The Velvet Lounge, Vol. 3Fred Anderson - 21st Century ChaseFred Anderson Trio - A Night At The Velvet Lounge/Live In Chicago 2007Fred Hess - In The GrottoFred Lonberg-Holm - Terminal ValentinesFree Fall - The Point In A LineFree Form Funky Freqs - Urban MythologyFree Unfold TrioFree Unfold Trio - Ballades Frode Gjerstad - Mothers & FathersFrode Gjerstad - Sound SightFrode Gjerstad, Kevin Norton, Paul Rogers - AntiochFrode Gjerstad - On Reade StreetFrode Gjerstad, Nick Stephens, Louis Moholo-Moholo - QuiddityFrode Gjerstad, John Edwards & Mark Sanders - Bergen Frode Gjerstad & Paal Nilssen-Love - GromkaFrode Hatli - Passing ImagesFully Celebrated - Drunk On The Blood Of The Holy OnesGail Brand & Mark Sanders - Instinct & The Body Garrison Fewell - Variable Density Sound OrchestraGato Barbieri - In Search Of The MysteryGato Libre - NomadGato Libre - KuroGato Libre - ShiroGeorge Burt/Raymond MacDonald Quintet - Hotel DilettanteGeorge Schuller - Like Before, Somewhat AfterGerald Cleaver, William Parker, Craig Taborn - Farmers By NatureGeri Allen - Flying Toward The SoundGiancarlo Locatelli & Alberto Braida - The Big Margotta Giacinto Scelsi - The Works For Double BassGianni Gebbia, Eiko Ishibashi & Daniele Camarda - Maboroshi Gianni Lenoci & Gianni Mimmo - Reciprocal Uncles Gianni Mimmo - A Watched Pot (Never Boils)Giovanni Barcella / Van Herzeele Duo - Monday Sessions Live at El Negocito Giovanni Di Domenico - Terra Che Cammina Giovanni Guidi - Indian Summer Giovanni Maier - The Talking Bass Gordon Grdina - East Van Strings - The Breathing Of StatuesGordon Grdina Trio - If Accidents Will etc. etc. Imperdível para os apreciadores. Lido no Metafilter de hoje.
Local: Afeganistão (mas ele é aparentemente holandês, pois possui dois outros blogs nessa língua)
Quem sou eu
I am a pumpkin (70% of my genes). I am a chimp (95% of my genes). I am also human, sharing 99.9% of my genes with all other men.
A veia das postagens é mais ou menos por aí, só que trata-se de coisa muito séria. Para quem gosta desse estilo de música e acompanha a movimentação em torno dele, uma fonte preciosa.
Há uma lista em ordem alfabética de todas as resenhas dos CDs (parecem ser centenas). Veja um exemplo:
Alphabetical Overview Of All CD Reviews
Overview of all CD reviews (last updated August 3, 2010)(always starting with the first name as you would pronounce the artist's or the band's name):
Harris Eisenstadt - StarmelodicsAcoustic Guitar Trio - VignesAdam Caine Trio - ThousandfoldAdam Lane/Ken Vandermark/Magnus Broo/Paal Nilssen-Love - 4 CornersAdam Lane - BuffaloAdam Lane, Lou Grassi, Mark Whitecage - Drunk ButterflyAdam Pieronczyk - Live In BerlinAdam Pierończyk Quartet - El Buscador Adam Rogers - Time And The Infinite Adam Rudolph's Moving Pictures - Dream GardenAdam Rudolph & Ralph Jones - Yèyi Ad Peijnenburg & William Parker - Brooklyn CallingAhleuchatistas - Of The Body Prone Agent-K - MouvementsAgusti Fernández & Barry Guy - Some Other Place Aida Severo Aki Takase & Silke Eberhard - Ornette Coleman AnthologyAki Takase & Alexander Von Schlippenbach - Iron Wedding Aki Takase - A Week Went ByAkira Sakata - Friendly PantsAlasNoAxis - HouseplantAlbert Beger - Big MotherAlberto Braida - Talus Alberto Pinton, Kullhammar, Zetterberg, Nordeson - ChantAlexandra Grimal Trio - ShapeAlexandra Grimal - Owls Talk Alex Machacek - ImprovisionAlex Sipiagin - PrintsAlipio C. Neto - The Perfume Comes Before The FlowerAlvin Fielder - A Measure Of VisionAmalgam - Prayer For PeaceAmir ElSaffar - Two RiversAmir ElSaffar & Hafez Modirzadeh - Radif Suite AMM - TrinityAmos Hoffman - EvolutionAndrea Centazzo - VoyagersAndrea Centazzo & Gianluigi Trovesi - Shock!! Andrea Centazzo & Joe Giardullo - The Way - Live In Woodstock Andreas Schmidt, Samuel Rohrer, Thomas Heberer - Pieces For A Husky PuzzleAndrew Cyrille & Greg Osby - Low Blue FlameAndrew D'Angelo - Skadra DegisAndrzej Przybielski/Oles/Oles - AbstractAndy Milne & Benoît Delbecq - Where Is Pannonica?Andy Sheppard - Movements In ColourAngelica Sanchez - Life BetweenAngelo Olivieri - Caos MusiqueAngles - Every Woman Is A TreeAngles - Epileptical West/Live In Coimbra Anthony Braxton - (Glasgow) 2005 Anthony Braxton, William Parker, Milford Graves - Beyond QuantumAnthony Braxton & Joe Morris - Four ImprovisationsAnthony Braxton by Geneviève Foccroule - Piano Music (1968-2000)Anthony Braxton - Quartet GTM (2001)Anthony Braxton - Standards (Brussels) 2006 Anthony Braxton & Kyle Brenders - Toronto (Duets)Anthony Braxton & Joëlle Léandre - DuoAnthony Braxton - 19 Standards (Quartet) 2003Anthony Braxton & Ann Rhodes - GTM (Syntax) 2003Anthony Braxton - GTM (Outpost) 2003Anthony Coleman - Freakish - Anthony Coleman Plays Jerry Roll MortonAnthony Ortega - Afternoon in ParisAnthony Santor Ari Diaconis Project - Beyond HumanArchie Shepp - GeminiArchie Shepp & Dar GnawaArild Andersen - Live At BellevilleArsis - Désordres Art Ensemble Of Chicago - Fundamental DestinyArtifact: iTi Live In St. Johann Arve Henriksen - StrjonAstula Democratica - Illusio Atomic - Happy New EarsAtomic - RetrogradeAtomic/Schooldays - DistilAtomic - Theater Tilters, Vol. 1 Avant Coast - DiscussionsAvishaï Cohen - After The Big RainAvishai Cohen - FloodAvram Fefer Trio - RitualAzar Lawrence - Prayer For My Ancestors Back & Forth - Unavoidable CasualtyBar Kokhba - Lucifer, Book Of Angels, Vol.10Barre Phillips - PortraitsBarry Guy/Mats Gustafsson/Raymond Strid - TarfalaBarry Guy - Phases Of The NightBarry Guy & Mats Gustafsson - Sinners, Rather Than SaintsBen Syversen - Cracked Vessel Ben Stapp - EcstasisBengt Berger - Bitter Funeral BeerBengt Berger & Kjell Westling - Spelar, Live In Stockholm 1977Bengt Berger - Beches BrewBernardo Sassetti Trio - Motion Bill Dixon With Exploding Star OrchestraBill Dixon - 17 Musicians In Search Of A Sound : DarfurBill Dixon - Tapestries for Small Orchestra Bill Dixon, Aaron Siegel, Ben Hall - Weight/Counterweight Bill Frisell - FloratoneBill Frisell - History, MysteryBilly Hart Trio - Live At Café Damberd Billy Stein - HybridsBitter Funeral Beer Band - Live In NurnbergBlaise Siwula - New York MomentsBlaise Siwula & Carsten RadkeBlastula - ScarnoduoBob Gluck Trio - SidewaysBobby Bradford - VaristarBobby Bradford, Gjerstad, Håker Flaten, Nilssen-Love - ReknesBobby Previte & New Bump - Set The Alarm For MondayBobby Zankel Trio - Many In Body, One In MindBoots Brown - Boots BrownBorah Bergman Trio - LuminescenceBorah Bergman & Stefano Pastor - Live At TortonaBrad Shepik - Places You GoBrad Shepik - Human Activity SuiteBrian Groder - TorqueBrian Groder & Burton Greene - Groder & Greene Bridge 61 - JournalBuffalo Collision - DuckBurton Greene & Perry Robinson - Two Voices In The DesertBurton Greene - Live At The Woodstock Playhouse 1965 Byard Lancaster - Live At Macalester CollegeCalling Signals 08 - From Café OtoCamisetas - Camisetas Cardinal Carl Ludwig Hübsch - The Universe Is A DiskCarl Maguire - Sided Silver SolidCarl Testa - UncertaintyCarla Bley - Escalator Over The HillCarla Bley - The Lost Chords Find Paolo FresuCarla Bley - Carla's Christmas CarolsCarl-Ludwig Hübsch - Primordial SoupCarlos Barretto - LokomotivCarlos Barretto - Labirintos Carolyn Hume - Gravity And GraceCarolyn Hume & Paul May - Come To Nothing Cecil Taylor & Dominic Duval - The Last Dance Vol. 1 & 2Cécile Broché & Etienne Bouyer DuoChad Taylor - Circle DownCharles Gayle/William Parker/Rashied Ali - By Any MeansCharles Gayle Trio - Our Souls Charles Lloyd Quartet - Rabo De NubeCharles Rumback - Two Kinds Of Art Thieves Charlie Haden - Liberation Music OrchestraCharlie Hunter - Mistico Chicago Underground Trio - ChronicleChicago Underground Duo - Boca NegraChopsticks - ChopsticksChris Dadge - I'd Drive Yr Ass Across The World If I Had ToChris Gestrin - After The City Has Gone:QuietChris Kelsey - The Crookedest Straight LineChris Kelsey - The Crookedest Straight Line, Vol. 2Chris Kelsey - Not Cool (as in ... the opposite of Paul Desmond) Chris Potter - Follow The Red LineChris Riggs - Achievement Is It's Own RewardChris Speed, Chris Cheek & Stéphane Furic Leibovici - JugendstilChristian Lillinger's Grund - First ReasonChristian Wallumrod - The Zoo Is FarCircadian Rhythm Kings - Circadian Rhythm KingsClaire DeBrunner, Daniel Carter, Ken Silverman, Tom Zlabinger - Macroscopia Codona - The Codona TrilogyCollective 4tet - TransitionCommitment - The Complete Recordings 1981/1983 Conference Call - Poetry In MotionConference Call - What About Contet/Chevillon/Corneloup - NuCooper-Moore - Digital PrimitivesCooper-Moore retrospective 1990- 2010 Correction - Two Nights In AprilCo Streiff Sextet - Loops, Holes And AngelsCraig Green & David KingCreate!! - A Prospect Of FreedomCurtis Clark Trio - Táági Cuong Vu - Vu-tetDangerous Musics in '91Daniel Blacksberg Trio - Bit Heads Daniel Carter & Federico Ughi - Mountain PathDaniel Carter & Matt Lavelle - LiveDaniel Carter - SingularDaniel Carter/Colbourne/Flaherty - A Flash In The Sky Daniel Carter, Alberto Fiori, Tom Abbs, Federico Ughi - The Perfect Blue Daniel Erdmann, Jonas Westergaard, Samuel Rohrer - Sleeping With The EnemyDaniel Humair - Full ContactDaniel Humair, Tony Malaby, Bruno Chevillon - Pas De DenseDaniel Levin - BlurryDaniel Levin - FuhuffahDaniel Levin Quartet - Live At RouletteDaniel Zamir - I BelieveDaniele Cavallanti & Tiziano Tononi - Rings Of FireDans Les Arbres - Dans Les ArbresDarius Jones Trio - Man'ish Boy Darren Johnston - Reasons For MovingDarren Johnston - The Edge Of The ForestDave Ballou - InsistenceDave Ballou, Terrence McManus, Dennis Gray - Thirty9Thirty8Dave Douglas - Live At The Jazz StandardDave Douglas - Moonshine Dave Liebman - RenewalDave Liebman, Evan Parker, Tony Bianco - Relevance Dave Liebman - Turnaround - The Music Of Ornette ColemanDave Rempis & Frank Rosaly - Cyrillic David Arner Trio - Out In The Open David Binney - Out Of AirplanesDavid Binney - Third OccasionDavid Crowell Ensemble - Spectrum David Haney Trio - Blues RoyaleDavid Sait - Postage Paid Duets, Vol. 2David Schnitter - The Spirit Of ThingsDavid Taylor - Red Sea David Torn - PrezensDavid S. Ware - SurrenderedDavid S. Ware - RenunciationDavid S. Ware - ShaktiDavid S Ware Quartet - Live In VilniusDavid S. Ware - SaturnianDawn Of Midi - FirstDCIC with Greg Osby - Live At The WarehouseDeclared Enemy - Salute to 10000001 starsDemian Richardson - The Gowanus RecordingsDenis Beuret - AloneDenman Maroney - GagaDenman Maroney Quintet - UdentityDennis Gonzalez - No Photograph AvailableDennis Gonzalez - GeografiáDennis Gonzales - Dance Of The Soothsayer's TongueDennis Gonzalez Jnaana Septet - The Gift Of DiscernmentDennis González & Faruk Z. Bey - Hymn For Tomasz StankoDennis González & João Paulo - DuoDennis González - Renegade SpiritsDenniz González - The Great Bydgoszcz ConcertDenniz González - Songs Of Early AutumnDenniz González - A Matter of BloodDennis González Band Of Sorcerers - Live In Washington D.C.Devin Hoff - Solo BassDhafer Youssef & Wolfgang Muthspiel - GlowDiablo En Musica - ImprovisationsDidier Lasserre Trio - Live At L'Atelier TamponDie Enttäuschung Die Enttäuschung - 5 Digital Primitives - Hum, Crackle & Pop Don Cherry - Live At The Montmartre, Vol. 3Donat Fisch & Christian Wolfarth - Circle & Line 2 Double Duo - Crossword PuzzleDragons 1976Duology - Golden AtomsDupont T - Spider's DanceEA Silence - Cono Di OMbra E LuceEAR&NOW - Eclipse Eddie Prévost & Alan Wilkerson - So Are We, So Are WeEddy Prévost - Invenio Ergo/Sum Either/Orchestra - Live In AddisEivind Aarset - Sonic Codex Eivind Aarset & The Codex Orchestra - Live ExtractsEivind Opsvik - Overseas IIIElephant9 - DodovoodooElephant9 - Walk The NileEllery Eskelin - Quiet MusicEllery Eskelin & Sylvie Courvoisier - Every So OftenEllery Eskelin, with Andrea Parkins & Jim Black - One Great Night ... LiveElliott Sharp's Terraplane - ForgeryElliott Sharp - Octal, Book OneElton Dean & The Wrong Object - The Unbelievable TruthEmbers - Slag-WelterEmpty Cage Quartet - Hello The DamageEmpty Cage Quartet - StratostrophicEmpty Cage Quartet - Gravity Empty Cage Quartet & Soletti/Besnard - Take Care Of Floating Ensemble 56 - 1st Meeting Towards Sky Flight Of DragonEnterout Trio - Pink IvoryEri Yamamoto - In Each Day, Something GoodErik Friedlander - Block Ice & PropaneErik Friedlander - Volac, Book Of Angels, Vol. 8Erik Friedlander - Broken Arm TrioErik Truffaz - BenaresErika Dagnino & Stefano Pastor - CyclesErnest Dawkins - Mean AmeenErnie Krivda - The Art Of The TrioErnst Ludwig Petrowsky & Michael Griener - The SalmonErnst Reijseger - Tell Me EverythingEsa Pietilä - Tales of Fulica AtraEspen Eriksen Trio: You Had Me At GoodbyeEthan Winogrand - Tangled TangoEthnic Heritage Ensemble - Hot'n'HeavyEtienne De La Sayette - Treize Duos En Forme De BananeEvan Parker & Matthew Shipp - Abbey Road DuosEvan Parker & Ned Rothenberg - Live At RouletteEvan Parker's Transatlantic Ensemble - BoustrophedonEvgeny Masloboev & Anastasia Masloboeva - Russian Folksongs In The Key Of Sadness Exploding Customer - At Your ServiceExploding Star Orchestra - We Are All From Somewhere ElseEyal Maoz & Asaf Sirkis - Elementary DialoguesEyal Maoz's Edom - Hope And Destruction Eye Contact - Embracing The Tide/Making Eye Contact With GodFantastic Merlins - Look AroundFantastic Merlins - A Handful Of EarthFaruq Z. Bey With Northwoods Improvisers - Emerging Field Fat Kid Wednesdays - The Art Of CherryFattigfolket - FattigfolketFederico Ughi, Gene Janas, Daniel Carter - People's ResonanceFerenc Snetberger & Markus Stockhausen - StreamsFeuermusik - No ContestFieldwork - DoorFight The Big Bull - Dying Will Be EasyFight The Big Bull - All Is Gladness In The Kingdom Fire! - You Liked Me Five Minutes Ago Fire Room - Broken MusicFirst Meeting - Cut The Rope Five Spot - Poltva Fond Of Tigers - Release The SavioursFood - Refreshingly AddictiveFood - Quiet Inlet Forgiving July - Live At Novara Jazz FestivalFrame Quartet - 35mmFrancesco Bearzatti - Suite For Tina ModottiFrancis Wong Trio - Early AbstractionsFrançois Carrier - HappeningFrançois Carrier & Michel Lambert - KathmanduFrançois Carrier - WithinFrançois Carrier - The Digital BoxFrançois Carrier & Michel Lambert - NadaFrançois Corneloup - U.L.M.François Corneloup - NextFrank Gratkowski & Hamid Drake Frank Kimbrough - RumorsFranz Hautzinger's Regenorchester XII - Town DownFranz Hautzinger - Neublacher BlechFranz Koglmann - Lo-Lee-TaFred Anderson & Harrison Bankhead - The Great Vision ConcertFred Anderson & Hamid Drake - From The River To The OceanFred Anderson - TimelessFred Anderson - Staying In The GameFred Anderson Quartet - Live At The Velvet Lounge, Vol. 3Fred Anderson - 21st Century ChaseFred Anderson Trio - A Night At The Velvet Lounge/Live In Chicago 2007Fred Hess - In The GrottoFred Lonberg-Holm - Terminal ValentinesFree Fall - The Point In A LineFree Form Funky Freqs - Urban MythologyFree Unfold TrioFree Unfold Trio - Ballades Frode Gjerstad - Mothers & FathersFrode Gjerstad - Sound SightFrode Gjerstad, Kevin Norton, Paul Rogers - AntiochFrode Gjerstad - On Reade StreetFrode Gjerstad, Nick Stephens, Louis Moholo-Moholo - QuiddityFrode Gjerstad, John Edwards & Mark Sanders - Bergen Frode Gjerstad & Paal Nilssen-Love - GromkaFrode Hatli - Passing ImagesFully Celebrated - Drunk On The Blood Of The Holy OnesGail Brand & Mark Sanders - Instinct & The Body Garrison Fewell - Variable Density Sound OrchestraGato Barbieri - In Search Of The MysteryGato Libre - NomadGato Libre - KuroGato Libre - ShiroGeorge Burt/Raymond MacDonald Quintet - Hotel DilettanteGeorge Schuller - Like Before, Somewhat AfterGerald Cleaver, William Parker, Craig Taborn - Farmers By NatureGeri Allen - Flying Toward The SoundGiancarlo Locatelli & Alberto Braida - The Big Margotta Giacinto Scelsi - The Works For Double BassGianni Gebbia, Eiko Ishibashi & Daniele Camarda - Maboroshi Gianni Lenoci & Gianni Mimmo - Reciprocal Uncles Gianni Mimmo - A Watched Pot (Never Boils)Giovanni Barcella / Van Herzeele Duo - Monday Sessions Live at El Negocito Giovanni Di Domenico - Terra Che Cammina Giovanni Guidi - Indian Summer Giovanni Maier - The Talking Bass Gordon Grdina - East Van Strings - The Breathing Of StatuesGordon Grdina Trio - If Accidents Will etc. etc. Imperdível para os apreciadores. 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