sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

Corporificação essencial da consciência

Em postagem de 11 de junho de 2009, divaguei sobre a tradução da palavra "embodiment". Hic et nunc vai ficar "corporificação", ainda que etc. e tal.

Beginning with the view that human consciousness is essentially embodied and that the way we consciously experience the world is structured by our bodily dynamics and surroundings, the book argues that emotions are a fundamental manifestation of our embodiment, and play a crucial role in self-consciousness, moral evaluation, and social cognition.

Embodiment, Emotion, and Cognition

Michelle Maiese

Já recomendado aqui (em 5 de junho de 2010):

Andy Clark 2006

Embodied agents use bodily actions and environmental interventions to make the world a better place to think in. Where does language fit into this emerging picture of the embodied, ecologically efficient agent? One useful way to approach this question is to consider language itself as a cognition-enhancing animal-built structure. To take this perspective is to view language as a kind of self-constructed cognitive niche: a persisting but never stationary material scaffolding whose crucial role in promoting thought and reason remains surprisingly poorly understood. It is the very materiality of this linguistic scaffolding, I suggest, that gives it some key benefits. By materializing thought in words, we create structures that are themselves proper objects of perception, manipulation, and (further) thought.